Bella accident and Wolf

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Monday came around sooner the I liked it to. My break was over and I had to go back to school and turn in the work that dad made sure I got for the week so I would keep up with every one.

Stepping out the house Bella slipped and I reached out to steady her but that only made us both fall. We busted out laughing as Dad hurried to us and helped us.

"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated" I giggled and shook my head no.

"Yea that why I got new tires for the truck. Old ones was getting bald."Dad said I kissed his cheek making him smile before making my way to the passenger side of the truck.

"Who brought you home? Where was you even staying?" Bella ask on the way to school.

"Dad feels bad. When he works and I have a episode. At first he took off but it was happening to offtend. He was close to even losing his job. So my Prant who you met. Billy takes me in. He doesn't work and that way some one with me all day. Sam is a boy on the res. Never really knew him but he kept me company this week. Brought me lunch every day. He really sweet that who brought me home. He picking me up after school so you can go straight home. I get out a block early normally I go to the Library to do home work and study." She nod as she pulled into the parking lot. As I stepped out of the truck I could see pity look thrown my way. Most people here knows what I deal with. That what sucks about small towns every one knows every thing no matter how hard you try to hide it. I get a few welcome back as we walk in I just smile and nod heading to my class.

School goes by slowly by time it lunch I was ready to get out of there. My true friend where on the rez so I found a random place with random people to eat with like most day. Most don't mind because I am friendly to every one. Once school ended I took off out the door like a bat out of hell. Glancing around looking for Sam truck.

"Soraya going home early." A class mate ask as I heard a horn blow. I grinned and looked at Sam truck he sent her wave as he smiled. "Who is that hunk" For some reason hearing her call him that made me jealouse.

"Maybe he will take me on a date."Jessica said walking up with a grin making the other girl laugh. I glared at them both.

"In your dreams" I snared at them before turning around and making my way. Jessica grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Back off you go after every cute guy." She snapped. I rolled my eyes at her before taking a step closer.

"I don't go after every guy, but he is off limits you got that." She rolled her eyes at me and went to walk past me. In the that time Sam stepped out of the truck and was leaning aginst it watching us closely. His eyes was fully on me.

"Hi I am Jessica"She sent him a flirty smile. He reached out and pulled me into a hug. I giggled and relaxed into his arms. Jessica glared at me.

"Hello sorry we need to head to the Rez." He spoke not paying her much mind

"That explains it. Your one of her boy toys from the Rez." I sighed and layed my head on Sam shoulder.

"My family live on the Rez. My god Father a elder of the Tribe.Get your fact straight before trying to dis some one or you look stupid. Come one Sam lets head out." He open my door and helped me up into the truck.

"What happen?"Sam ask as we pulled out the parking lot.

"Nothing just someone who doesn't understand the word back off". He chuckle and turn the radio on. "What are we doing?" He send me a smile.

"Just go hang out at my place." That sound really great honestly I didn't want to do to much.

"I am so glad this year already almost over. So ready to be done with school." I said as I pulled my shoes off my feet I saw him smile as he looked at me. "What?..." He glanced down at my shoes making me blush. "Sorry I hate shoes didn't even notice I was really doing that."

"I think its cute." I blushed even more at his words making him laugh.

"Can I ask yet" I watched waiting to see what he was going to say.

"Would you be mad if I say no" his body tensed up with every word he spoke to me.

"Not mad just I don't know." Sam took a deep breath as he set back in his seat glancing over at me as he drove.

"I don't think your ready." I chuckled and shook my head.

"That what a parent tells a child when they ask question they don't want to answer." I looked out the window after the word left my mouth. It annoying how when something is about you people want to say your not ready. Every one was born ready for the truth not lies.

"If I tell you... You have to promise me not to run or freak out." I looked at him strangly.

"You trying to tell me your a vampire or something." He gave me a weird look as he busted out laughing. "What the line pops up alot the. Look dont run I wont hurt you your safe with me but I am a vamipre. The girl freaks out runs off gets in trouble to end up in the arms of the vampire." As I spoke he rested his arm on the truck door holding the wheel with one hand as he kept glancing at me.

"You say the weirdest things you know that?... No I am not a vampire I am a werewolf. Well shapeshifter who turns into a wolf."

"That explain the growling" he looked up at me oddly. "Would you rather me freak out calling you a liar. I am more the one who wants to see you in wolf form. I grew up hearing the stories."I grinned at him.

"You are truly amazing. How am I so lucky?" We pulled into his drive way and he shuts the truck off but we don't move to get out. "I can show you if your really want or I can tell you what you really want to know."

"I want to know first." He layed his back againt the head rest of the seat as he took a deep breath. Not even noticing it I reached out and grabbed one of his large hands. "Tell me please." I said in a small voice.

"It was second nature wasn't" I gave him a weird look he smiled and nod down at our hands. I blushed and went to take my hand away but he wouldn't let. "No I like this. Imprint is amazing. Everything that held you to earth is gone. All that matters is this one person."He had a bright smile on his face as he spoke. "They are your every meaning of life. Your sun your moon the stars that light up the sky. The breath you breath." He brought our join hands up and place a kiss on my hand as he closed his eyes.  "Thats what you are Soraya. That how much you mean to me. Your my life my soul mate. I will be anything you want me to be as long as I can be in your life I don't care." I didn't even notice I was crying tell he reached his other hand out to wipe my tears away. "I am sorry"

"I think you miss took my emotion."I said with a smiled.  "No one ever talk to me with so much emotion before and mean every word of it. Your amazing Sam I want us to grow. Let us get to know each other go from there. Just be patient with me." He smiled and leaned up kissing my forhead.

"Always now you ready"He ask letting my hand go.I smiled and stepped out of the truck taking a deep breath. I followed him behind his house. "Here hold my phone and keys. You can head into the house when your ready and I will go human and meet you." I nod before watching him walk into the woods pulling his shirt off as he went. I glanced around the back yard turning to look at the house while I waited. Next I hear food steps moving my way. They sounded heave making me slightly gasp. He placed his nose aginst my hand tell I turned around. His wolf was huge and pure black. He laid down on his stomach trying to make his self as small as he could not to scare me. I raised my hand and scratched behind his ear. He closed his eyes leaning in to my touch making me let out a breathless laugh.

"You are truly amazing. Can I just hug you." He let his tongue roll out of his mouth as he gave me what I guess you would call a wolfy grin. Thats all I needed to wrap my arms around him as best as I could. He laided his head against my shoulder nuzzling me.

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