part 31

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Aria's pov- my mom and dad sit by my side as we wait for mike my younger brother to come home. officer wilden sits on the couch beside emily and Ezra. Hannah quietly sobs next to me Spencer rubs her back and makes soft soothing sounds. the door slams and Mike calls out hello. mike please sit down my mother said. what's going on mike demands sitting on the couch. we want to talk to you Wilden begins. Hannah lets out a loud sob and gets up. han what's wrong mike asks. don't you come near me Hannah shrieks running out of the room sobbing. 

Mike's pov- what's going on i demand looking around the room. Mike emily tells us you drrunkinley rapped her at a party two weeks ago my dad says. yeah so I snap. is this true my mom says. i shrug and nod. my mom let's out a sob. why does this matter I demand. emily is pregnant with your baby Aria pipes up glaring at me. does Hannah no I said. she told me to tell you your over my father says glaring at me. emily is choosing to press charges so your going to be arrested Wilden says standing up. oh my god my mom says covering her mouth and sobbing. it's ok mom Aria says rubbing her back. go mike and don't come back Dad says as wilden leads me outside.

Emily's pov- emily is there anything we can do for your mrs. Montgomery asks. no i'm fine I said. are you keeping the baby Aria's father asks. yes I said. ok he said gruffly getting up and leaving the room. this is all too much i'm sorry I have to go Aria's mother said sobbing as she left the room. i'm so sorry Aria said hugging me. it's ok I assure her. 

Aria's pov- Hannah i'm so sorry I said later that night. it's not your fault Hannah says letting out a tiny sob. it's mine emily said tears filling her eyes. it's not your fault either em it's mike's fault Hannah says. it's going to be ok girls I assure you Spencer said. i hope your right I said because we are in for one long journey together I said. they all smile and I get up. i have to get home to Ezra and the kids I said grabbing my purse. be careful A could be watching spenc says. don't worry i'll be ok i said. 

Ezra's pov- what a day I said climbing into bed beside Aria. uh she says. you ok I ask sitting up. uh ow she says. what's wrong I ask. contraction she whimpers. she gets out of bed and screams. what what's wrong I ask. my water broke she said in a small voice. but it's 4 months early. oh god we have to get to the hospital just breathe he reminds me. shh he said rubbing my back. Piper get up we have to get mommy to the hospital I said picking her up. Arabella wake up sh it's ok i said rushing Aria and the kids into the car. 

Aria's pov- ok push the doctor says urgently. I push one last time and the doctor holds up a tiny baby boy. get him to the nicu now the nurses shout. he's not breathing on his own one shouts panicking. oh my god i cry. shh it's ok ezra says. no look i said showing him my phone. look what I got you go into labor early drugs kiss your baby boy for me tonight kisses-A oh my god i said sobbing. shh it's not your fault baby he said kissing me.  I just hope he makes it I said. he will he's a fighter Ezra says kissing me one more time.


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