Chapter 17

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"I..." Cher knew she shouldn't go, she loved Meryl and didn't want to hurt her. On the other hand, Cher couldn't deny to herself a certain attraction towards Kathleen existed. It was tempting to go see her and they haven't seen each other in a while if not work related.

"Well?" Kathleen asked

"I... I don't know Kathleen" Cher said

"I will take that as a maybe. See you on the restaurant near your house where we last saw each other. Monday at lunchtime" Before Cher could say anything else the phone call ended.

Cher went back inside the bedroom and saw Meryl thankfully still sleeping. She entered the bathroom and leaned against the sink. 'What am I going to do?' She thought looking at herself in the mirror. What happened between her and Kathleen was just a one night stand. It happened years ago and it was a big mistake, she was with Meryl, only secretly. That night was one she wished to forget but it was impossible. Kathleen had confess that she had a crush on her, that she loved her and without warning they kissed. She didn't know why but that night she gave in to temptation and had sex with Kathleen. Cher had to admit she enjoyed that night, Kathleen made her feel a way Meryl didn't. The women was wild, fierce, rough and Cher liked that very much. But it was a mistake, one that she regretted since the first moment. Cher wouldn't bare it if Meryl found out about what she did. It was a moment of weakness but that was no excuse. Cher sighed and went back to bed thoughtful of the mess she was in.
On their way back to Malibu Cher couldn't stop thinking about what to do. She had to act as if nothing was wrong when in reality Cher felt like her world was falling apart.

Everytime Meryl kissed her or hugged her she loved it. Of course she did, Cher loved her but at the same time she felt really guilty inside because she was thinking about another women. Meryl was everything to Cher. Meryl was kind, funny, gentle, caring, an amazing human being and she was great intimately. There was a really big difference between Meryl and Kathleen, Cher didn't know what to do. These past few days have been filled with acting so anyone would not notice her attitude change, especially her wife. On monday morning Cher was more on edge then ever, she still wasn't sure if she should go see Kathleen. Luckily, Paulette came to the house to hang out for the day. It was now 12pm and Cher was still in the house, on the living room, talking and joking with her best friend and her wife. Then she recieved a text message.

"I guess you're not coming :(" said the text

"I'm sorry, you know I can't" Cher replied

"Your choice"

Cher felt bad for Kathleen but she wasn't going to be unfaithful to her wife. About half an hour later, Pauly, Meryl and Cher were still in the living room when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" said Meryl. She opened the door "Oh hi!!!"

"Meryl hello, I saw the news and had to congratulate you personally. You managed to be Ms. Cher" Kathleen joked. When Cher heard that voice her eyes seem to pop out of her head. She couldn't believe what that woman was capable of doing.

"Kathy Griffin, what a surprise. Come in" Meryl welcomed her to the living room. When Kathleen saw Cher she gave her a stern look. Cher could only smile, she was stiff as a board "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Water is fine, thanks" Kathy said

"I'll help you" Paulette said. Soon they were alone sitting next to each other.

Cher was fuming "what do you think you're doing Kathleen?" She whispered

"If you won't come to me, I will come to you" Kathleen said calmly

"You're insane"

"Maybe, but you make the people who love you do crazy things" Kathleen said getting closer

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