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    Jace is Adam Gregory. I refuse to change that 😂

I lean against the wall as tears poor out of my eyes. Their it is, the horrid pink little plus sign. I have always been a good girl. I followed the rules, did my homework and kept up my grades. Little did I know just one little mistake could ruin my all so perfect life. What am I going to do about finishing school? What will I tell my mom? I can't just say 'Hey Mom my ex-bestfriend took my virginity because we were both drunk and he didn't use protection so now I'm pregnant .' Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would end up in laughs and giggles.

My mom is going to feel terrible. She raised me to always be smart about the choices I make. You would think I would've learned from my mom's mistake. My dad knocked her up and then left. He spent months seducing her and making her fall in love with him. She thought he was her forever- meanwhile he was just in it for a fun time not a long time. The second my mom fell pregnant he went MIA and she never heard from him again. I can't believe I was foolishness enough to get drunk and then allow my virginity to be taken by someone I strongly dislike. This is the mistake my mom tried her hardest to make sure avoided. Hell, I'm not even suppose to have a boyfriend till I'm 18, so I think a baby at 16 is completly out of the question.

The worst part is I went against what I strongly believed in- no sex before marriage. I desperatly wanted to give my self away to someone who I love and who loves me back. Not some player who I have history with. Gosh, I feel disgusting. How long can I hide this for? How long until I start to show?

I hold back a sub as it trys to surface. Thats when a knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. "Aphrodite, are you okay?"

"Ummm...Yeah Mom, I'm just feeling a little down."

"Can I come in?"

"NO!" I instantly shout trying to find a place to hide the pregnancy test. I can't just throw it in the trashcan, she will see it.

"Te, I'm coming in."

My mom starts to push open the door causing me to spin around to face the door and I put a fake smile on as I hide the test behind my back.

"Hi Mom!" I say with fake enthusiasm. I've never been a good liar and when nervous I can get a little awkward.

"Hi, I thought you weren't feeling good." She says crossing her arms over her chest as she looks at me with a raised eye brow.

"Well now I feel better. Bye Mom." I try to pass her, but she stops me.

"Is there something going on at school? Is everything ok?" My mom says her voice feeling with concern as her brown eyes peer into mine.

I smile up at her and say "no mom, but thanks for the worry. I'm doing fine."

She moves to the side to let me out and I quickly try to rush past her knowing that if she gets a good look at my hands that are still behind my back she'll see a glimpse of the white stick, but I wasn't fast enough. My mom grabs onto my arm and pulls me back towards her. A look of anger and confusion crosses her faces as she snatches my arm that is hiding the test and forcefully prys my hand open.

"Really Te? Are you serious right now? You go out and do something stupid and then try to hide it from me?" She looks at me with eyes filled with anger and pain making me feel horrible.

"M-mom, I'm sorry. Please believe me, I didn't mean too! I was drunk and I guess my hormones took over and the next thing I know I woke up in a bed with Jace. I never wanted to disappoint you." I sob as tears feel my eyes and my mom pulls me in for a hug.

"Te, you are my daughter and I love you, but what you have done is completely irresponsible and foolish. Yes, I am angry and sad because of some of the choices you made, but I am not disappointed in you. I know you didn't mean for it to happen, but it did. As your mom I will support the decisions you make, but also as your mom I will say you need to grow up fast if you decide to keep it. You need to tell Jace, find out if he and his family will help out, or if you'll be a single mom. You have a lot of things to do in a short amount of time. As your mom and this babies grandma I will help you out and give you the help my parents never provided. I expect you to finish school and go to college still if you decide to keep this baby. I will make sure he or she is taken care of as long as you agree to continue your studies. Yes, this is a step back, but that doesn't mean your life is over." My mom says as she continues to hug me while playing with my dark colored hair.

"OK, I understand. I don't want to stop schooling. Thank you for your help and for loving me even when I do stupid things. I know I want to keep the baby because I couldn't live with myself if I didn't." I say as I cry into my moms chest.

"I've been in your position once before baby girl, I know what its like. Remember you are strong with or without a guy to help you and remember I'm here when you need me. Right now you need emotional support and I will give that to you no matter how much I want to spaz right now." I let out a light laugh and I nod my head.

"Thanks because I think I would be way worse if I didn't have your support right now."

"I love you Te."

"I love you too ma."

Sixteen And Pregnant (Pregnant with the players baby)Where stories live. Discover now