Part 5- rewritten

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I open up the door a little bit more and step aside "come in" is my only response before he walks into my room and I shut and lock my door. I dont need anyone interrupting us, especially because if he falls out the window I'm claiming he tripped and fell if you get what I mean.

I watch as he sits on the opposite end of my bed and just stares at me. I raise an eyebrow at him and give him a look that says 'are you going to speak?'

"Uh, I thought you came up here to talk, not to stare at me like I killed your parents."

Jace shakes his head snapping his azure eyes away from my honey ones before opening his mouth to speak.

"Right, sorry. I came here to apologize. I know if you weren't drunk what happened between us-" he uses his fingers to point back and forth between the both of us- "would had never of happened. I know you're not that kind of girl and I understand why you are mad. I know you wanted to save it for someone special. Someone who loves and cherishes you. You have every right to be mad or sad or any other emotion you may be feeling. If I could I would take back what I did today just like I would take back what I said three years ago. I hurt you, and I'm sorry for that. You meant, and still do, a lot to me. Whether you like it or not I will always care for you even if I may act like I dont. Did you ever wonder why no guys ever tried to play you or get in your pants?"

I look at him curiously. Yeah, now that I think about it I can't remember the last time a guy has flirted with me. I wasn't allowed to date and I was more worried about grades than boys so I never really realized it till now.

"It was because of me. I dont like seeing you hurt, and that time I saw you hurt the most broke me apart especially because it was me who caused you the pain. At first I was mad. Mad because you loved me when you could do so much better. I was mad because I could never be the guy you would want me to be. I was mad because I knew that I liked you and that I hurt you. I was mad because I didn't and still dont understand the meaning of love, but what I do understand is not one girl could ever make me feel the way you made me feel. That's why I started it. I was scared and still am."

What? What is he saying? That he's scared of loving me? He's scared of hurting me? He was a jerk to me this whole time because he can't handle his own emotions? Is he being serious right now?

I slowly lift my head up to look at him.

"What are you saying?"

"That's the thing, I dont know what I'm saying! My heart tells me one thing, but my brain tells me another."

"What does your brain say?" I ask as he stands up and walks over towards me.

"That I will only hurt you and you're too good for me. That the only way to keep you safe from my own self destruction is to push you away and make you hate me." With each word he leans closer to me until his toes are touching mine and his mouth is so close I can feel his breath fanning my lips.

"And what does your heart say?"

"That I love you and no other guy will ever be able to have you. That you are mine." And with that his lips land on mine.

My head starts to spin and I feel a little dizzy. Millions of emotions spin through my body as my heart practically leaps out of my chest. Before I know it my hands finds their ways to his head even though my brain is telling me to pull away, but my body has a mind of its own. All the old raw emotions from back when I was a naïve twelve year old comes spilling back into me as a wave of emotions smack me right in my chest. For a moment I completely forget how he's treated me these pst few years and all I can remember is how he use to treat me.

I dont really know what's going to happen after this, but what I do know is that he kissed me, I'm kissing back and we are both sobber.

  As he pulls away to grab a breath of air I suddenly realize what I have just done. In a matter of seconds I'm pushing away from him and shooting to the other side of the room ready to throw myself out the window. I can't believe I just allowed him to kiss me.

"That shouldn't of happened!" I yell a little frantic. He was a complete jerk to me and as soon as he renters my life I allow him to make out with me? That's the epitome of stupidity.

"Why not?"

"Because you treat me like crap for four years, you insulted me just a few hours ago, and I have no clue if what you are saying is true or not. You could just be saying whatever you want to try and get into my head. I don't trust you."

"I know, I was a piece of shit. I'm sorry for the way I have treated you. You didn't deserve it. You know how my mom and dad are. It terrifies me to think I'd end up like them one day so instead of acting rationally towards you I became irrational. I'm so sorry for how I've hurt you and how I've treated you and I hope one day I can earn your trust back. From now on I'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated even if all we are are acquaintances. I want you to know I'll be here for you and our baby. I want to do better." I look at him and cross my arms over my chest. Sure those are nice words, but I don't believe anything until action is taken.

"So why did you ditch me for Pen? I get why you stopped being my friend, but you than decided to get all buddy buddy with a girl who couldn't stand my guts. What's that all about?"

"I know you both have your differences, but Pens actually a great friend. I think she's just jealous of you and that's why she treats you the way she does. If she likes you she's loyal to you though. I became friends with her do to her parents divorce. We could relate about listening to our parents constantly argue and how some of the arguments where about us and how guilty it made us feel. We connected on that level and since than she's been like a sister to me. I'll talk to her for you. Tell her to ease up on you." I scuff and roll my eyes at the jealousy part. What is she even jealous about? Pens popular and pretty. She's never had to worry about wether a guy likes her or not.

"Why would she be jealous of me in the first place? Also I don't need you fighting my battles. I have Pen and her drama under control."

"I mean you are very pretty and back in seventh grade Pen had liked this guy, Allen, but he had turned her down saying he liked you and not her. I think that's when the jealousy first begun along with your rivalry. I also think there's more to the story, but I've never asked about the details. If she wanted to tell me she would. All she told me was the Allen situation and how she can't stand your 'stupid face'- not that I think your face is stupid or anything. Those are just her words. If you don't want me talking to her about it than I won't, but I was just suggesting it."

"Well she needs to get over that. That's a dumb reason to dislike someone, and speaking about boys I'm also mad that you acted like I'm your personal possession and that you told other guys to leave me alone. That's not cool at all." At this Jace nervously rubs the back of his neck and looks away from me.

"Yeah, I know it wasn't, but I couldn't handle the thought of another guy touching you. That's why I say I'm not good enough for you.
I can be selfish and it isn't fair to you or anyone else. I'll let everyone know that they don't have to avoid you."

"I don't even care. Don't tell them because I'm not looking for a relationship and I don't feel like being courted right now. I have more important things to worry about than some high school boys. It was selfish of you and it's good you realize that, but I'm going to need to see some serious change out of you. I am not and never will be anyone's possession and I'm also not a mat you can walk all over. If I don't see change than I will be seeing you in court once this baby is born to get a custody agreement. I don't want to do that, but if we can't be civil I will resort to that so we don't have to see too much of each other." I respond back. I would hate to go to court because one of us can't act like an adult, but I refuse to be pushed around or talked down on.

"I completely understand and I promise you will see me at every drs appointment and I'll be treating you the way I should've been treating you these last few years. You have my word." He says as his azure eyes meet mine showing me he intends on keeping his promise.

"Alright. The others have been waiting on me long enough so let's get down stairs before they think we are murdering each other." I say before walking past him and through the door.

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