Part 18- Rewritten

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I walk into school Tuesday still high from the date. Me and Jace missed school on monday since we went to the doctors to see how my babies are developing and everything looks perfect! Everything has just been so perfect lately.  Me and Jace both have a hard copy of the ultra sound and we seem to be more happy than ever. His parents are even happy for us. This morning he was suppose to pick me up, but my mom called him and told him not to because she wanted to talk to me on the way to school. I thought it was something serious at first, but it just turned out she wanted to know what we are going to name our baby.  I told her we aren't going to discuss names until we figure out the genders so we don't waist our time debating on names we won't need. She nodded her head in understanding and asked me if I have a baby girl if I could have her middle name be Felicity after my great grandmother.  The only person who was actually there for my mom while she was pregnant.  Too bad she died a month after I was born. It broke my moms heart. My mom says I resemble her a lot though, and it makes me happy. I've seen pictures of her and she's absolutely goegeous.

"Hey Goddess," Jace says walking up to me and pecking me on my lips making me smile up at him and quirk an eyebrow. 


"Yes, since your name is Aphrodite after the goddess of beauty, love and something else very interesting," he says wiggling his eyebrows at me making my checks turn red as a fire truck and I slap his chest.

"Shut up you perv." I laugh and he chuckles as we stop infront of my locker.

"But I just wanted to say hi to my gorgeous- or what's that word you use to use when we were little? Oh yeah, Bagorgeous- girlfriend. I do have to meet up with Tyler and Mark this morning so I'll see you later Love."

Jace gives me one last peck before turning around and walking a way leaving me holding back a smile as I bite my lip and watch my sexy ass boyfriend walk away. No really, have you seen his ass? Its sexy as hell. I turn around while a smile lighting up my face as I open my locker. I'm getting out my note book when a folded up piece of pink paper falls at my feet.

My eye brows forward together as I bend down to pick up the note that has a red lip stick kiss on it. What is this? A love note? Maybe it was put in the wrong locker? Well there's only one way to find out. Slowly I open up the paper to see its been written in cursive assuring me that it was a girl who has written it.

  Hello Aphrodite,
I don't think we have formally meant and we're not going to, unless you drive me to it. So let me get straight to the point here, Stay away from Jace or else bad things will happen, not only to you, but to your friends as well. Marie will have a cheerleading 'accident', Nara won't go to Harvard or any college at that. I don't think they would be happy to know she's been caught with heroine in her locker. Athena will 'trip' down the stairs. Tyler and Mark will never be able to have kids once I'm through with them. And Jace, oh sweet Jace will be mine. You don't understand he wants me, not YOU! The only reason why he is with you is because of that stupid child of yours. What are you, like three months now? Oh and those ultra sound pictures are adorable,  I'm pretty sure everyone else would like to see them too, am I right? Haha, well its your choice, give up now or would you rather destroy you and your friends lives? Maybe even your sweet dear moms? Lets see if you make the smart choice or the stupid choice. Oh and if you tell anyone else about this you and your friends are good as dead

My face pales and my hands shake as I reread the note so many times I didn't even notice the bell has rang and the hallways have cleared. Who did this? Is this some type of a sick joke? Did they rip this off of Pretty Little Liars? I mean it is signed A at the end. But who would want to do this to me? Marie and Nara don't kid like that, Athena is too sweet and shy took prank like this and the boys lips don't look like that and the guys dont write like that. Maybe they had a girl do it? But that seems like a lot of trouble to go through. Maybe it was Pen? But she doesn't know I'm pregnant unless she did some spying, but she wouldn't go through all that trouble, would she?

I can't think of any one who has it out for me. Maybe I should play it safe and stay away from not only Jace, but the rest of my friends.  I don't want to be the cause of their pain. For now I'm going to leave them alone until I can find out what to do and how to over come this. Maybe I should go to the principle? But in the note it says if we do than me and my friends are good as dead. I don't know what to do and all this stress isn't good for my babies.

It seems like everytime everything is going well something has to happen, but this? Why this? God give me strength to get through this because honestly I don't know what to do.  And with those thoughts I slide down the locker with a gut wrenching sob. I cover my mouth with my hand as tears poor out of my eyes. I don't know what to do. What is there to do? I'm.... I'm lost. I'm truly lost for the first time in my life. I can't turn to my mom or my friends. Not Jace, nobody but God is left to turn to. With that I bow my head and send a silent prayer.

Hello God, I know its been a while and I've been busy lately, but that's no excuse to neglect praying. I'm sorry God. I'm sorry. Am I being punished? is it because I've stopped praying? Maybe because I had sex before marriage?  What ever it is God I'm asking for your forgiveness.  Can you forgive me for everything I've ever done? For fighting when I should've turned the other check? I'm sorry for being unchristian like. Please lord just help me.

And with that I prayed for the rest of my first block and until the hall started to fill with loud chatter and laughs.

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