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*On the forth day of Christmas my weird ass family gave to me Four Hamilton albums: Kaede why*

Kishi: So we set cookies on fire sang a Christmas carols now what

Kaede: I have no clue

Erik: Lets decorate a tree

Kishi: Are you okay Erik this is nothing like you

Pip: But that's not a bad idea though

Tofu: No its not

Kishi: Fine lets do it

Nate: I'll help

Kishi: Yaaaayyyyayay

Nate: Are you okay

Kishi: I think Erik did something

Erik: I didn't do anything so ha

Kaede: I have the tree

Tofu: I have the decorations

Nate: Lets start

Erik: Look its a bread ordainment

Kishi: I will kill you

Nate: Lets not *Pulls Kishi back*

Tofu: The tree is coming out great

Pip: Yeah it has bread a Cd even fish wait what

Kaede: We need the fish

Kishi: Nate your the only one not putting something that represents you

Nate: I do see its a picture of all the people who have showed up in this book so far

Kishi*Starts to cry* Awwwww that's so sweet I love you all but Erik

Erik: Hey

Nate: Don't cry it's all okay

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