11. Cindy

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7.992.003 likes | 3.682.183 comments

MotherCindy: Huh, who's this?

ItsMer: biiiitch!

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MotherCindy: what's up?
Mikeljoe: @MotherCindy you know exactly what's up.

NeelsVisa: hmm...

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MotherCindy: hmm...
Cindylicious: you two are so obvious
Neelsforyourneeds: I knew it!

Spreadyourwings: I think it's Neels

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Neelsforyourneeds: duh, genius!
FranziK: @Spreadyourwings no shit,  Sherlock

YourgirlSonia: you look so good with banks, wtf.


Hateyou: I feel like your lips are gonna explode.



It's short. I know.

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