21. Neels

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NeelsVisa: behind the scenes
📸 credits to @Mikeljoe

MotherCindy: wow, you're so tan

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NeelsVisa: I know, right?
Neelsforyourneeds: sarcasm who?
Cindylicious: lol

FranziK: ok, I'm really single


SunnyRay: goals


AlissaV: go get you someone who knows how to catch your best sides.

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MotherCindy: @AlissaV always
NeelsVisa: @AlissaV always

Spreadyourwings: are you dating?


Mikeljoe: finally someone who appreciates my photograph skills

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NeelsVisa: I got you man

Hateyou: why would you show Cindy on your instagram? I don't want to see her ugly body.

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Spreadyourwings: @Hateyou why would you say that?
Cindylicious: @Hateyou why do you hate her so much? What did she do to you?

ItsMer: dayum

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Marlenexoxo: are they dating?

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