54. Neels

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12.090.587 likes|7.104.853 comments

NeelsVisa: maybe this was bound to happen

MotherCindy: I'm really craving ice cream right now

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NeelsVisa: @MotherCindy I have vanilla ice cream
MotherCindy: @NeelsVisa on my way
Neelsforyourneeds: I absolutely love this

ItsMer: for once you don't look pale

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NeelsVisa: @ItsMer I know right?

Mikeljoe: but like, why is she in a top and you in a sweater, what?


Cindylicious: ugh, why don't you just kill me?


Patrickpics: I post the same picture of Patrick everyday, don't you think I deserve a follow?

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Dontreadmyname:  you both look good in every picture

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Hateyou: @Dontreadmyname Cindy face tunes her photos

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