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(Playlist in external link)

Completely unedited + written on my phone. Please dismiss all errors.

        "Another one?" Luke asks only a few minutes after the first shot.

        From the middle of the crowd, I manage to spot a familiar by its insane giraffe height. Marshall.

        I turn to Luke and smile, excusing myself. He looks pretty disappointed; practically one of those puppies on the animal cruelty commercials. Over my shoulder, I tell him I'll come play Seven Minutes in Heaven in a few.

        My eyes divert their attention right back to the tall, swoopy haired boy. Like a panther circling its prey, I follow him, shoving my way past a group of girls dancing provocatively. Currently, Marshall's alone, but it's pretty obvious he's going after someone. I run after him, and manage to lock my hand around his thick wrist. My hands are ice cold, and when they make contact with his warm flesh, a shiver emerges from my spine.

        With a groan, Marshall whips around and barks a menacing, "what?"

        I stand back, shocked at his tone. No one ever speaks to me this way, not ever. Sometimes when Dallas and I fight, I can see him channelling his energy, and speaking to me in a low tone. No one has ever exploded like that. Not even Dad when Mom divorced him.

        "Uh, I," I begin to say, as I swallow my pride. "Lance tells me you'll sleep with the entire student body if you get drunk."

        "Okay? Wait, do you want to be my first of the night? Is that where this conversation is heading?" Marshall says with a twinkle in his azure eyes.

        Almost as soon as the words register through my mind, I feel like shoving him back into the crowd and not approaching him for the rest of the night. If he wants herpes, he can go get herpes. Although, I manage to gather my patience and glance around me. Marshall's definitely sober. It's pretty obvious; he's still the same cocky, easy on his feet, Marshall. I have a feeling drunk Marshall is a hot mess, expressing his feelings to anyone willing to listen.

        "Actually, I'm on babysitter duty," I reply.

        He groans and mutters under his breath. Then, he looks around, almost like he's embarrassed to be talking to me. I stifle a laugh, I wonder what rumours he's heard about me. It seems like he can't believe Lance would put me to this, which is pretty weird because this is entirely in of Lance's nature.

        "So here's the problem: one of us has to drive the other home. A few people plan on getting me drunk tonight, so I'll need you to stay sober," I tell him.

        "Excuse me," he says, cocking his head to the side. A smile grows on my lips: he looks like a child the way he's scrunching his slightly upturned nose and his eyebrows furrow together. "Against popular belief, I have a social life too."

        I roll my eyes at his statement, waiting for him to give in so that the conversation can finally end. But it doesn't. Marshall keeps his childish facade on, and I don't budge. So we stands here, in the middle of a bunch of teens drunkily rubbing their bodies against one another, in a challenging silence.

        "Listen, I'm getting trashed tonight, there's nothing you can do about it. Now you can either commit the crime that killed my parents, or you can avoid drinking for the rest of the night. Are we done here now?" He declares in a frustrated tone. A part of me desperately doesn't want to see him when he's angry. After hearing him talk like he has, he seems pretty violent, and I really want to press his buttons to see how far he'll go. What can I say? I like danger.

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