Chapter 4: As Time Goes On

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"This is stupid," Nicole sighed as she sat down on the couch in the Earp's living room. "How am I supposed to remember all of these lines?"

"If you would just try to learn them, it wouldn't be so hard," Waverly looked at the other girl. "But you have such a hard head that I think that might actually be impossible."

Nicole scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm the one with a hard head? You're the one who keeps making me repeat the same line over and over again because I'm not saying it the way you want me to."

"Well I'm sorry for trying to help you learn how to deliver your lines properly!"

"This wasn't about the 'delivery' of my lines," Nicole stood up. "You told me to come here so you could help me learn my lines."

"You haven't even been able to do that, Nicole. It's not that hard. Really. Just look at the words and convert them to memory."

Nicole laughed and shook her head. "I'm sorry that this whole acting thing isn't as easy for me as it is for you. I'm an athlete. Shit like this isn't what I'm used to!"

Waverly refrained from saying anything, sensing the panic lacing Nicole's voice. She took a deep breath and stood in front of the taller girl. She stared at her lines and then up at Nicole, thinking. Suddenly, Waverly's face lit up and she smiled slightly.

"Okay," Waverly began, "think of it like this: your lines are just another play for you to memorize. For your games, how many plays do you plan out ahead of time?"

"Too many to count," Nicole replied shaking her head.

"So imagine these lines," Waverly motioned to the highlighted areas on the script in Nicole's hands, "as new plays for your next basketball game. Stare at them, memorize them, then execute them. Take what you know and use it to help you with this," she placed her hand on Nicole's arm and motioned to her script with her other hand, their hands brushing against each other briefly.

"That's actually a really good idea," Nicole looked down at her script and then at Waverly's hand on her arm.

"Are you two finished arguing yet? Or do I need to go back upstairs," Wynonna stomped down the stairs and into the living room.

"We were just finishing up," Waverly rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Great! Just in time for Haught-shit and I to start making our way over to Doc's place for dinner."

"You're going out for dinner?" Waverly looked at Wynonna. "And you're just going to leave me here alone."

"We'd ask you to come," Nicole chimed in, "but it's seniors only."

Waverly rolled her eyes and sat her script down on the table. "Right, whatever. Does Aunt Gus at least know you're leaving?"

"What do you think?" Wynonna scoffed. "I'm Wynonna Earp. Of course she doesn't. That's your job. To inform her."

"Of course it is," Waverly sat down on the couch.

"So you'll cover for me?" Wynonna threw her arm around Nicole's shoulders and pulled them both towards the door.

"Yeah I guess so," Waverly sighed.

"Kiss ass," Nicole laughed and muttered under her breath.

Wynonna smiled at her sister. "Great! Thanks, baby girl. I owe you one!" And with that, they were both gone.

"Yeah," Waverly rolled her eyes. "You really do."

- - - - -

"Wynonna, are you ready yet?" Waverly called up the stairs to her sister. "We're going to be late for school!"

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