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The first thing I did when she looked at me was glare. If looks could kill she would be dying slowly and painfully. I'm a horrible person. oh how convenient there was an empty seat right next to me and Jamie just had to sit there. Why can't she sit in the corner and think about her life. Ugh shut up Mercy your so mean. Why am I talking to myself? I am a cruel person. Maybe I'm part demon. Shut up Mercy. 'SNAP' oh man... I broke my pencil. 'Haha' Wait who said that! 'Me' Now I'm going insane, I don't think someone should be talking to you inside of your head like that without it sounding like you. Who are you? 'you'll find out soon enough.' All of the sudden I wasn't feeling well, like all of my blood has been drained out of me, then I began to feel really hot and I mean burning hot. I also felt very jittery and started shaking. I had to get out of here. I stormed out of the classroom and ran to the girls bathroom. I splashed water in my face, cooling me down but when I looked in the mirror I didn't see my reflection. I saw something else, I saw a red dragon. It was scary as hell but also breathtaking. It also had flames around it. I went to touch it but a tentacle like flame came out and went up my arm. I was to shocked to move. It traveled up my neck then into my mouth and went inside me. The feeling was wonderful, I felt so alive but that only lasted for a few seconds because then I felt pain, like I was burning alive. I fell to the ground and screamed, I screamed for my life. I was dying slowly but painfully. I accomplished nothing in life and I was dying. Maybe I deserved to die. But I don't want to leave my father alone. I'm not giving up just yet. I tried standing up again but felt another burning pain around my throat. Now I knew I could not make it out alive. I love you father. I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek and fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was the bathroom door opening and then darkness consuming me. At least i'll see my mom.

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