03- Deal

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Talia was already pacing in my room when I got home, searching desperately through my closet.

"Dad, we need to change where we hide the key." I joked, looking back where I saw his figure leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed but an amused expression playing on his face. I mirrored his stance and focused my attention back to my anxiety filled best friend, who could most accurately be compared to a tornado as she blew through my clothes.

"Yes, yes we do. Talia, you're going to be the one to have to clean up these clothes or else I'll make you do the dishes again." My dad said jokingly, although he most definitely was not joking.

"Okay Mr. Dad, sorry, I just need to find the perfect outfit for your lovely daughter who owns nothing but stupid jeans!" Tal said, huffing while throwing another pair of my jeans on the floor.

Talia is basically the sister I never had, her parents are always out of town or they're never home. They leave for work early and come home late. Talia gets extremely anxious when she has to be alone, so the guest room has turned into her room. She spends so much time around here that she started calling my dad her own, but threw the Mr in front of it so she can 'feel more formal' even after my dad constantly tells her to leave it out.

"Talia, nothing skimpy. I don't want her looking like those women you see on the street corner." My dad ordered, giving Talia a harsh look. She rolls her eyes.

"Cmon Mr. Dad, one night of promiscuousness wouldn't hurt. And if it makes you feel any better, no one wears skimpy dresses to parties anymore. Or uses the word 'skimpy'. That's only in like, the cheesy high school movies" She laughs.

"Yeah. That makes me feel sooooo much better." He says, sarcasm dripping from his words. I laughed and patted my dad's shoulder in reassurance.

"Don't worry Dad. Nothing 'skimpy.'" I reassured him and he gave me a warning look but I brushed it off.

My parents are divorced and I obviously live with my dad, since my mom wants nothing to do with me. Dealing with clothes and womanly stuff is not really Dad's favorite thing to do on his list of parent duties.

I love my dad with all my heart. My mom ran off with another guy as well as my older brother after I was born, leaving me alone with my dad and sending divorce papers in the mail less than a month later.

I've never met my older brother, and I've never met my mom. Nor do I want to. I took down all the pictures we had of them. Anyone who hurts my dad like that is not a friend of mine.

"Ooh! I'm soooo wearing this. Totally stealing it from you." Tal said, ripping me out of my thoughts. She was holding a distressed jean skirt, one I thought I lost months ago.

"Tal! How did you find that! I thought I lost that like forever ago!" I exclaimed, running to her side. She triumphantly flipped her hair with one hand, holding the skirt with the other.

"I'm a woman of many talents. Now here, wear this." She threw distressed jean shorts at me and a white body suit tank top. "You'll look smoking hot in that." She winked at me and started to strip out of her clothes and change into the skirt and a cute tank top she had.

She went down to her room to get ready, since she needed her entire makeup bag and couldn't handle my tiny one. I didn't like the work of taking off my makeup, so I don't put a lot on. I'm a genius, aren't I?

It took me about 5 minutes to finish my makeup and 10 to finish my hair. Meanwhile, I was playing on my phone for an hour and Talia still wasn't done.

I wonder if Logan was serious about that thing he said earlier. I rolled my eyes at the thought

'She is taking forever' I thought. Then an idea popped into my mind.

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