Skystalker x Scoundrel

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Decided to upload again...don't really know why to be honest but oh well. Thanks to @AceTheNotSoGreat for getting me into the ship in the first place and well...enjoy reading :)

Btw Eli's the name i gave to scoundrel as it made the characters sound more real...yeet

*Gore warning

*use of homophobic slurs (blurred

"Never knew they allowed f*****'s in this place." Muttered some teenager, surrounded by his group of friends.

I looked over at him to hear the group laughing almost like they'd just come up with the funniest joke of all time.

"Just ignore them Sky." I whispered, turning to meet his wide green eyes. I felt him tighten his grip around my hand, nodding quickly.

Sky was one of the strongest people I knew. Before I got to know him personally I was almost scared of his persona and admired the act he constantly kept up. Skystalker- someone you really didn't want to mess with. But now that he was my boyfriend I quickly realized how much of a softie he actually was, a cute one at that...anyway despite all of this nobody wants to be insulted for something like that.

"What's wrong with you?" Sky asked, pulling me behind him as he began to act defensive.

"Come on there not worth it!" I hissed, dragging him back by the arms closer towards me.

"Yeah listen to your boyfriend mate. You don't know what I could do to you f**s!" he muttered under his breath, approaching the both of us slowly.

I couldn't take listening to these d*******s any longer. "Do you guys have any idea who you're talking to?" I asked, glaring up at one of them threateningly. "Major crime lord? My boyfriend over there happened to organize this raid? So next time...learn who you're talking to." I said menacingly, pushing one of them back by the shoulders.

This probably wasn't the greatest idea as the boy in question slapped me firmly across the face, my nose beginning to bleed. It was then when Sky pushed me back before grabbing the guy who hit me by the neck, almost choking them

"Don't you ever f****** touch h-."

I didn't want to see it at first, the glint of sharp metal in the teen's hands. I watched as he proceeded to stab Sky directly in the chest, causing him to yell out in pain.

"That's what you deserve you f**!" the teen screamed, holding the bloody knife up almost like he was about to stab Sky a second time...he didn't need to as he fell to the floor, curling up on his side.

I stood there completely shocked, looking over at the group of boys. They stood there almost like they couldn't believe what had just happened. The leader turned almost completely white, dropping the sharp knife to the concrete floor, bolting out of the warehouse...I felt completely paralyzed.

I dropped down to my knees, holding him at the shoulders. "Sky! Sky please!" I yelled, shaking him as carefully as I could. I tried my best to compress the wound, to stop the bleeding...but I couldn't.

I watched as he pulled off his mask to reveal his wide green eyes; blood dripping from his trembling lips.  

"F***babe! Tell me what to do, tell me what to f****** do!" I whisper-screamed, pushing back my bleached hair. "I don't know how to help you!"

At that point I was starting to panic, my heartrate slowly becoming higher and higher. I hadn't had a panic attack in so long...I'd hoped they'd disappeared on their own.    

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