Drift x Abstract pt II

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If anyone hasnt read my part I on this one-shot i highly suggest you do!!! Hope you all enjoy :)


It had been two weeks since Abstract had died in my arms, shot in the chest twice. John and Raptor had returned to the SSDT to see me sobbing hysterically, holding the older man close to my chest; the two of us covered in his blood.

John Wick had obviously apologised for killing the one person I loved...I could tell he didn't mean it though, I could just tell. I told him I forgave him, which was clearly a lie. The whole of the SSDT were just too blind to see through me. As I told Abstract I was going to get revenge on our leader, I just needed to figure out the best way to do it...even if that meant hurting my other teammates that hadn't even done anything.

The funeral had been awful to attended, to see the love of my life lying in a coffin, very much dead. Technique must've heard the news as she was attending, her mascara smudged form the amount of crying she must've have done. I'd stay behind with her after the reception, the both of us staring down at his grave.

"How could he have killed my brother? The most sweet and innocent person on this island...and now he's gone forever." She'd whispered, covering her face with her hands.

I'd pulled Abstracts twin into a quick hug, trying to help her calm down although I was inconsolable myself. "He's in a better place now I p-."

I couldn't even say those words...Abstract would've been mad that I'd made a false promise. Instead the two of us decorated his graveside with graffiti...we could tell he would've liked it that way better anyway.

It was the following week and once again I'd returned to the graveyard, falling down next to my lover's grave. It's not liked I talked while I was there I usually brought flowers and written out messages, sobbing my eyes out. Sometimes I met Technique there but usually not, I could tell she was trying to get over his death...I could never understand how people did that, get over deaths so quickly. There was no chance of doing that anytime soon.

I could tell John was letting me relax a bit, even if he didn't really agree with my opinion. I hadn't even gone out and completed any missions since Abstract had passed away. Raptor seemed to feel sorry for me despite now dating John, even once coming with me to the graveyard. Despite all of the problems we both were facing now it still didn't stop me caring about him, he was one of my best friends after all.

"Things haven't been easy for you have they Drift." Raptor had mumbled, the two of us watching the bright orange sunset.

I shook my head quickly. "...Raptor have you ever lost someone you've loved, like really loved...with all your heart?"

"Yeah. Yeah I have lost someone before Drifty. You know I am here for you right? I know everything you're going through is incredibly hard right now and I know nothing I can say can make you feel better about any of this, but we all need you; everyone in the SSDT needs you."

I had locked eyes with the man for several seconds before looking back at Abstracts grave. I didn't know who to trust at this point. These people were reasonable for my lovers death...I wasn't about to trust anyone expect myself.

Two months later.

I was running on three hours of sleep a night, barely able to leave the graveyard at this point. I'd turned away any help I'd been offered, losing dozens of friendships in the process. John and Raptor were forced to hide any weapons from me...in case I ended up killing myself or others. It was a smart move since I'd literally gone insane.

I'd caught everyone having a meeting about me one night; the whole of the SSDT gathered around while I hid away in my bedroom...well that was until I walked in on them. They'd been discussing options on what to do with me, even mentioning that they could potentially kick me out of the team. How do I know this? I sat behind the door, listening to every single one of them. Of course I felt sad about how they were all treating me, maybe I could even agree with their opinion...no I couldn't do that, there the reason Abstracts dead. I promised him that I'd get revenge on John...maybe even the whole team. After all it was Wicks fault and because of that the entire team would have to suffer.

It had been a cold day in early March. The snow had melted now but every time I'd walked anywhere near the back of the building I could clearly picture Abstracts blood, a clear contrast from the fluffy pristine snow. I could remember stalking round the back of the SSDT, admiring Abstracts art decorating the plain walls with his bright neon colours and bold designs. I'd never let John even close to the older teens graffiti, it was one of the only things I had to remember him; a cute new-school style of cat with glowing pink eyes.

I remember lying back on the soft grass were the older man had first been shot, dark thoughts racing through my mind. I played with my hand cannon, carving Abstracts name into the side. The man had given it to me minutes before bleeding to death. It was one of the only weapons I still had access to.

It had been too long. I needed to get my revenge on Wick tonight, preferably with the whole teen watching me. I knew I'd be crushing Raptor considering they were dating and all...although I'm sure I could always shoot him after. I hope they have fun in hell.

I walked through to my bedroom, quickly gelling back my blonde hair into small spikes before lining my lashes with black eyeliner, don't ask the idea looked cooler in my head. I quickly jogged downstairs into the large basement were the team were holding yet another 'important meeting' that didn't seemed to involve me. I burst through the glass door, smiling wildly behind my mask at the thought of hearing all of their screams.

"Um Drift? I thought I told you about not being included in this meeting." John muttered through gritted teeth.

"Oh I heard John. I don't know I just thought I'd come down and hear what I'm missing out on...well go on don't just sit there, spill the beans!" I replied, circling the table slowly.

"Look Drift...if this has anything to do with Abstract-."

"Don't you dare even bring him up!" I yelled, suddenly bringing out my gun. "He doesn't even deserve being talked about by you."

I watched as John raised his hands at the sight of my weapon, his green eyes going wide. "I was trying to protect you Drift! I you had spoken up earlier maybe I wouldn't have killed h-."

I couldn't take it any longer and shot the older man in the head, his blood staining my crimson jumper. I could hear Raptors screams from behind me, causing me to turn around. "Yeah how do you like it? Losing someone you love in a blink of an eye. How do you f****** like it!" I screamed, smudging my already messy eyeliner.

"You should be thanking me Raptor; I'll kill you as well...just pray it won't be painful." I muttered before shooting the man in the chest. He fell to his knees, his eyes rolling to the back of his head before collapsing to the floor.

The others seemed stunned to silence, some crying others emotionless. "You're going to tell the police that they both killed themselves because if you blame me...well do I need to explain when these two are bleeding out. Get Raptor some help, if you can that is. And John...just leave him there...let him suffer the way I did."

I left the SSDT for the last time that night, abandoning the place I'd grown up in with nothing but a bag full of spray paints. The first place I went was obviously the graveyard, heading towards Abstracts grave.

"I told you I'd avenge you man. I hope your f****** proud of me." I'd muttered once I'd arrived, looking up into the starry sky. "I really hope your happy up there Abstract...don't worry...I'll be seeing you again very soon. I just need to figure out what way. What do you think? Knife or gun?"

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