John Wick x Rust Lord

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Sorry this is a lil late :/ I got caught up in other things but here's a new part!

This will be kinda short as it's only a small idea I had...had to upload it anyway!

Hope you enjoy :)

*mentions drug usage

Have you ever been in love? Don't lie to me, you probably have....maybe you just haven't acknowledged it yet. 5 years I was with John, a whole 5 years and I loved him with all my heart. Our relationship had been fine, no arguments or anything dramatic like reason to cheat on me you'd think.

"I'm home!" I called out, closing the front door softly behind me; beginning to walk upstairs.

I'd been out with a couple of friends for the day since it was my only proper day off from work. My job wasn't exactly the most existing, all I was doing was making explosive weapons for the 'hunting party' but I guess someone had to do it...I didn't really mind it as I wasn't the fighting type like the rest of my friends in the first place.

Anyway Sunday was the only day I could relax; get out of the house for a bit. The four of us had been out for lunch and exploring some part of the island we weren't familiar had been fun, messing around with Drift, Raptor and Zoey for several hours. They'd only just dropped me off, waving to me as I went inside.  

"John you in?"

I guess I should tell you about my 'boyfriend' John Wick, you know...only the most well-known fighter on this island. Everyone knew him for his incredible skill while fighting enemies, by far the best fighter anyone knew. Who knows why he asked me out in the first place? You'd expect him to ask out a skilled fighter better suited to his personality...not some random guy whose only purpose in life was to help his team out by designing bombs, anyway that's what he'd done 5 years ago.  


"Hey  Rusty." He'd mumbled confidently, leaning back against one of the walls in my room.

"Give me a couple more hours John. I'm just finishing off the last of these sticky grenades and 'll be f-."  

"I'm not here about the explosives." He'd muttered, looking towards the wooden floor.

At that point I must've gotten up, walking towards him before standing inches away. "What is it then?"

I watched as he suddenly began to look nervous, looking away from me quickly. He slid down the side of the wall, running his hands through his dark coloured hair. "How do I say this?"

I fell down beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder; trying my best to comfort him.

He locked eyes with me for a split second, turning around to face me.
"Don't hate for what I'm about to do Rusty." He whispered, so quiet I could barely hear him.

He reached out and laid his shaky hands on my upper arms, he paused for a bit, focusing on my hazel coloured eyes; pulling me into a firm kiss several seconds later.


From then on we had a great relationship and thankfully the majority of the island supported John and I. Life had been going great, the hunting party had been doing amazing and I thought nothing could bring me down...until tonight.

I jogged up the stairs quickly before walking towards our bedroom. Opening the door quickly I got the shock of my life. John leant up against the wall, a girl under his arms; hickys covering both of their necks.

I stepped back, my vision beginning to go blurry. "J-John?" I whispered, the colour beginning to drain from my face.

"Hey, Hey! Rusty this is not what it looks like!"   He muttered, shaking the girl from him before standing up quickly.

"Who's this!" asked the girl, looking up at John confused.

"Kaylee...I doesn't m-."

"Yeah John! Why don't you tell Kaylee who I am...Well go on...F****** tell her!" I yelled hysterically, tears streaming down my face.

"John? What the hell's going on?"  Kaylee asked, tilting her head slightly.

I watched as he pushed back his dark hair, hiding his face in his hands. "What the f*** have I done." He whispered under his breath.

"Yeah...what have you done John? What the hell have you done?"

At that point Kaylee seemed to realize who I was, covering her mouth with her manicured hands. "Oh my god! You're Rust Lord...y-you're his former boyfriend."

I locked eyes with Johns green ones, shaking my head in complete disbelief. "You're former boyfriend? That's what you told her, you're former boyfriend?"

Kaylee looked across at John, trembling slightly. "Please don't tell me you've cheated on him with me...please f****** tell me you haven't cheated on him John." She asked pleadingly.

The three of us stood around in an awkward silence, just waiting for answers. Seconds later John was passed out, sprawled out across the carpeted floor. Kaylee was down by his side in a flash, doing her best to shake him awake. I'd be acting the same...if I hadn't found out he'd been cheating on me for who knows how long.

"Please help me! I need help I don't know what to do!" Kaylee yelled, turning around to face me quickly.

I shook my head quickly, blinking back my tears. "No, no I'm sorry Kaylee. You deal with him. He clearly doesn't want me around."

She paused for a minute, rubbing at her eyes and smudging her dark makeup.  "But I thought you loved him Rust Lord?"

Now that made me think. Did I really love John? F*** I couldn't deny it of course I loved him, I'd loved him since I'd first met him three years ago. "Yeah I love him...really thought he did to you know. When he wakes up tell him were over." I whispered, walking out of the door before slamming it behind me.


Everything was a blur, my heart feeling completely shattered. I must've walked for hours, clutching my thin arms around my chest; sobbing loudly. Passers-by stared at me as if I was crazy, glaring up at me. Some took pity, pulling me to the side and offering to phone a taxi for me. Of course I refused every time, trying my hardest to pull myself together every time. It worked...temporally.

I found myself falling down on a bench at a park close by, almost inconsolable. I lay back, studying the clear, starry sky. I tried my hardest to take my mind off everything that had happened in the previous hours. I even felt guilty at the fact I'd left my 'former boyfriend' alone, vulnerable and unconscious. For all I know he could be in serious danger with Kaylee, clearly under a lot of stress. I had to remember that John was the one who'd cheated on me and not the other way round.

"What's up with you then?" asked an unknown voice.

I turned around quickly, my eyes falling on a stranger. "Hmm? Oh...boyfriend troubles I guess."

He moved closer to me, sliding an arm around my back. I was ashamed to say that I let it happen, willing for any relief from all of this. "Boyfriend troubles?"

I nodded quickly, falling against him. I watched him slip a small plastic bag from his jacket pocket, shaking some of the white powder out and onto the back of his hands. He looked up at me with his grey eyes, giving me a small smile. "Go on then, give me your hand."

I sat there, staring at the plastic bag. Was I really about to do this? Wreak up my entire life...was I really about to turn to drugs for comfort?

I held out my hand, taking a deep breath before lifting up my hand. "Go on then." I muttered, flashing the stranger a smile

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