Brite Gunner x Frostbite

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Hello! Once again I haven't actually had time to write any of my requests (Lmao) BUT I will try my best to get at least a couple of one-shots out while I'm off school for the next two weeks.

This was actually a request from my brother and the second I heard about the ship I instantly had ideas for it, so I hope everyone reading enjoys!!!   


My sister sat next to me, whimpering in fear as we both hid in our parent's houses basement. Our childhood had been destroyed in a matter of hours, bombed almost completely. Our basement was the only place that was still safe for us, cowering under the stairs together.

"Brite g-gunner?" Brite bomber asked, wiping at her tear-stained face; her dark coloured mascara beginning to run.

"Hm, what is it?" I reply softly, gasping at the next shock of an explosion close by, clutching my legs up to my chest. "Do you need anything or-."

"I'm s-scared,"

"I know, I'm afraid as well. Don't worry we'll be safe down here though, remember that alright sis?" I mutter, wrapping a loose arm around her shoulders.

To tell the truth, I was absolutely petrified. I wasn't just scared for me and my sibling, I hadn't heard from my best friend Frostbite since the bombings happened. I could only pray that he was out of the town when it first happened; I knew how he hated being here anyway, much preferring to go out exploring the island instead.


I'd been caught out, partially hit by some form of a weaker bomb; hitting me in the upper chest and collar bones. I'd lost Brite Bomber, we'd split after trying to flee the town previously locked in our dark basement for the past three days. I was a complete mess, groaning in pain as I stumbled up the steep hills; despite to escape the fighting going on a matter of miles away from me.


"Brite Bomber!" I'd screamed, frantically darting my dark eyes around in an attempt to find my younger sister; lost in the wreak of destroyed buildings.

I'd been searching for at least thirty minutes now despite the risk of getting hit, shot by gunshots flying by. I obviously hadn't listened to my inner instinct and several minutes later I was hit, thrown back against the damaged land.

I'd be knocked into shock, whimpering in pain as I crawled to my knees; barely able to breathe. That's when I'd started walking up the mountains, desperate to climb to safety.


Frostbite's POV

My heart was in my mouth, hitting myself in the legs with my sharp pickaxe in an attempt to distract myself from the throb in my heart. I was awfully anxious, staring out longingly across the island from the steep hills I was hiding on. I'd left my town just before it had been brutally attacked. Apparently, it had been Omega's team that had started the whole thing, murdering innocent people once again for their own gain.

Of course, anyone would be upset at the fact the town they'd grown up in had been destroyed...but my best friend lived there along with his sister. I just hated knowing I could do nothing to help, I'd hoped the male had been able to escape...but as much I wanted to believe it, time was ticking by and it had been 72 hours since anyone had last seen him I was losing hope.

Brite Gunner meant so much to me, in a non-cheesy way. We'd known each other since we were kids, despite to leave this pitiful town behind us once we were old enough. We were actually planning to leave in the summer; only a couple months away from now... it looks like that was never going to happen n-

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