Chapter 4

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-Larry's POV

The thing is, I could've stopped it. I often replay the moment in my head, but the whole thing was very fuzzy. Even as it was happening.

I remember the moment he decided to do it. That I remember clearly. The way his grip tightened in my hair and his lips curved up as he smiled into the kiss. It was sweet and short, but time seemed to stop.

I remember the pressure of his lips on mine and how foreign it felt to be this close to someone. I remember him pulling away first, his face no longer confident and reserved. It was shy and all types of red and crimson.

"Sorry. I-uh shouldn't have done that." he said sheepishly after pulling away.

I remember burying my bottom lip in my teeth as I filled my lungs with air. I remember telling him it was okay and that I didn't mind. But then the moment passed and we got up, he grabbed my hand to help me up and I didn't let go. So we just stood there staring at each other like we'd done it every day of our lives.

Our friends, having been aware of the situation for several minutes, interrupted our sweet little moment.

"I have to go, Brayden. Do you still need a ride, Larry?" Ryan said sounding unsure.

I nodded softly, finally removing my gaze from Brayden's intense stare as I grabbed my things.

"I'll talk to you guys later" I said as Ryan and I walked out the door, leaving a very confused Mitch and an extremely content looking Brayden in the room.

Time Skip

"So? You gonna tell me what that was about?" I hear Ryan say from the driver'

I had been looking out the window the entire drive back to my house, hoping that he wouldn't bring it up. I guess that wasn't enough.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I reply in monotone, really wanting him to just drop it.

He sighs loudly, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, obviously annoyed with my inability to cooperate. I hear him mumble  a sore toned "Okay" and close my eyes thanking my lucky stars that he wasn't persistent.

A few minutes later, we reach my house. I exchange goodbyes with Ryan and had inside.

The house is quiet, as always, but something

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