Chapter 9

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-Larry's POV

"So who's bright idea was it to name you a boy name?"

I looked up from my book and towards the direction that the question came from. Ryan, Graser, Jordan, and Devon were all huddled up in a semi-circle above me. Waiting eagerly for my response. Sighing, I close my book and brush my fingers through my messy hair.

"This is like the thousandth time you ask in a matter of six hours.", I reply bluntly, getting up to adjust my sitting position.

"That's because every time any of us ask you brush it off", Jordan counters, sitting next to me.

My name. It was never actually, "Larry". I just never like my actually name. It didn't suit me, that's how I always saw it.

"Hilarry. My name is Hilarry. Happy?"

I'm greeted by four sets of equally confused eyes and a low chuckle from the other side of the room. My head instinctively turns toward the sound and I see that another person has entered the room.

"Hilarry? Like Clinton, Hilary?" Brayden's voice resonates from the doorway. It's split and broken by his laughter.

I furrow my brow, extremely annoyed with his reaction.

"No, not like Clinton. Like Lane, Hi-la-rry Lane. Is there something funny about my name, loser?"

He lifts his head up, a pretend hurt look on it. He holds his chest as if my words physically struck him. Whatever shred of anger I had in me dissipates right then and there. My face is bright red and everyone except Brayden notices immediately.

"If ever there was anyone more oblivious than Brayden, I'd like to meet him", Jordan says from beside me and everyone nods in silent agreement. This only makes me blush harder.


I get up and leave the room, making the excuse that I need to take a shower. "The meetup was crazy", I say over my back as I walk out.

I end up actually getting in the shower, not wanting anyone to question why I changed my mind. I strip down as the water heats up and hop in when the temperature is just right. Mid-way through conditioning my short but luxurious mane, I hear a loud thud coming from outside the bathroom.

"You idiots better not be trying to act crazy! I'll kill you with a wireless printer, Ryan!" I yell as Suave falls into my eyes. I curse under my breath as it burns my eyes and finish up my quick shower.






Once I'm dressed and looking decent, I walk out of my room and into the living room. More people have showed up and the room is filled with overlapping voices and more simultaneous vlogging. I say hello to the "new arrivals" and excuse myself as I walk out of the house and onto the front porch. I've not been very good with crowds as of late.

I'm opening the gate when someone grabs my arm. Brayden spins me around and asks me what I'm up to.

"I'm going for a walk. It's a bit stuffy in the house right now"

"Can I join you? It's getting late and I'd be pretty devastated if anything happened to you."

"Just you? And here I thought everyone loved me"

His blush, even in the pale light, is very much apparent. One point for me. He opens his mouth to say something, but seems to shake the thought away.

We walk along the sidewalk, cars and time pass us by, but we don't talk. Yet somehow our silence is welcoming. It isn't the slightest bit awkward. It's warm and sweet. Our hands brush against each other's as we walk, and it takes every fiber in my being to refrain from intertwining our fingers. We've held hands before, after dinner the other night and countless times before that as friends. But we haven't really talked about the other night since it happened.

I like to think it's crossed his mind, perhaps once or twice at random times. The idea of him thinking of me, pondering his feelings over what happened, makes me jelly legged. I shake my head and laugh to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, just- nevermind"

"Tell me. Come on, please?"

"You. You're hilarious."

I see his eyes widen as I turn my head away from him.

"I think you're funny too, Larry"

"Just funny? Nothing else?"

His expression drops and he gets that look on his face again. The one that means he doesn't know what to say. I stare into his eyes intently, waiting for his response. Hoping it's the one I want to hear. But nothing comes, so I remove my gaze from his chocolate chip eyes and walk along. Leaving him behind me.

Hey hey hey,

Okay so I'm back! Sorry that I kind of sort of left for a bit. I had massive writer's block-among other things- and I couldn't find a single way to inspire my writing. But I'm back and I hope you enjoy. I'm in the process of writing the next chapter so let me know if you guys want me to publish that as soon as I'm done writing it. Don't forget to comment, vote and stuff if you enjoyed.



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