Mariposa the princess of Los Santos little sister of "spooky" aka Oscar big sister to ceasar aka little "spooky" and let's not forget claimed by Sad Eyes.
Two weeks, that's how long I and Sad Eyes have been done. Nat told me Sad Eyes has been crying like a little puta every night like I do I care no. Call me heartless all you want, but he didn't care about making me look like a fool did he no, so I don't care about him crying like a PUTA. Knock knock said a voice "come in Oscar" "hey baby hermana" O said looking worried for some reason, " Sad Eyes is coming over to discuss business" " Ok" "ok, we can still jump him for making you look stupid and cry" laughing I turn and say " no Oz it's ok before him and I got to gather you two where best friends and still are best friends". "but he made my Princesa cry" Oscar said pouting, "it's ok O I'm ok because of you and Cesar" I said smiling at him, he just looks at me only to Hugh me whispering he says " you are light Mariposa". "O," I say "yeah" Last time we jumped somebody together they ended up in ICU" leaving Oz says " that was the point," he says leaving my rooms.
I get dressed in this
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"I'm leaving" tell O as I walk to my car "where are you going," Sad Eyes says " to wet my hoes polla" stop playing with me Mariposa " I'm not Sad Eyes, you remember Ryan, Jordan, and Ricky," I said seductively with a smirk, knowing full and well he remembers them "no you're not I won't let them touch what's mine" Lorenzo said as his jaw started to clench " first of all I was your's but you let that go on your second of all if I want to have sex with Ricky I will if I want to have sex with Ryan I will if I want to have sex with Jordan I Maldita sea sure will mierda I might just let one of them be my baby father Lorenzo" I say knowing I struck a chord deep in him " baby be careful what you say because you just woke up Sad Eyes, and Ricky, Jordan & Ryan are all on the top of his list" Lorenzo says "oh and just so you know Bloody Mari you're not having anybody's baby but mine" he says darkly " bye don't forget to pick a good snack's at the store" everybody just stare at him as I rush to my car.
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"R, J, R come downstairs now" I yell "Mari why are you yelling it's too early for that boujee Mess" you all have to leave Sad Eyes is going to kill you" what did you do to piss him off Ricky said I told Lorenzo that we where going to have a 4some. what the hell is wrong with you don't get me wrong you're beautiful but your man is insane Ryan said " and I may have told him I was going to let one of you be my baby father" I said nervously where going to die because of your pettiness" I'm sorry" "I'm sorry too mi amor" I turn around to see.