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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒

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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒



{2 person}


Ciel stepped down the stairs in front of you, you held Sebastian arm to not fall down, like days ago when you flashed nearly all of the mansion.

"Head's up."

Ciel stated, he nodded someway, you looked that way but only saw a young blond boy and a demon. That was an easy spot, a lot easier then Sebastian, what a bad demon.

"That's Alois Trancy--"

Ciel started, he whispered through his little smile, he didn't expect you to cut him off.

"So he's the main bitch?"

Before he could answer you all were on the floor and people were starting to go round you and Ciel before the stairs. You smiled at the noble people, not really looking at anything or analyzing anyone around you, only focusing on an old vase. People's eyes were rather on you than Ciel but when Ciel began talking it was like everyone forgot about you, not like you used your powers.

"Evening, my name is Ciel Phantomhive, the head of the Phantomhive estate. Thank you all for coming--"

He began talking about the evening, you stared at the new demon, right in his bright yellow eyes behind his big frames.

No, sweetie, the slim jawed demon is not that hot... but he is attractive, but Sebastian would do the same thing as him but better.

"I see you looking at that- ratchet- rat- spider- Faustus."

Sebastian spat, his bicep tightened as he glared at the other demon, his red eyes shined. 

"I wasn't checking him out, it's just it's so easy to see through him."

You say defending yourself, Sebastian nods and agrees with you. It was a miracle that this demon didn't notice you yet, you both were staring at him with a cold glare without blinking. How didn't he see it!? Or at least feel it.

"What's his name anyway?"

You ask Sebastian, he looks down at you and blinks before answering.

"Claude Faustus, the 'loyal' butler to Alois Trancy... You said he was something of a main bitch, correct?"

You nodded and looked for where Alois could be but only seeing a blonde kid, taking another step down, Sebastian was still next to you, with his hand still in your hold.

"So who's the kid?"

Nodding toward the kid instead of pointing, Sebastian looked at you and then back at the kid.

"Alois, he's the same age as young lord."

You nodded,  you weren't at all surprised, but rather confused why he was wearing so short pants on a cold evening. Alois had his hands crossed over his chest and smirked the entire time of Ciel's well-worded speech, the 'loyal' butler, Claude stood straight but something about his posture seemed awkward.

"--I hope I will get a word with you all."

Ciel ended his speech, people clapped and when you stepped down on the floor people took their attention back to you, and well Sebastian but mostly you. Smiling brightly you make people look away with the simple illusion that someone was calling their name. 

And as that Elizabeth walked up to you, Ciel had just stepped next to you and was about to order Sebastian something.

"(Y/N)! Ciel! You know each other?!"

Fuck, didn't you tell her that you and Sebastian were married? You nudged to Sebastian that looked at you and smiled at Lizzy.

"Elizabeth! Yes, we do, after all, they Sebastian--"

You nodded while biting your lip, this is you and Sebastian stood right now, as a married couple.

"-Are married, she lives here now."

Ciel spoke quickly and Lizzy screamed.

"And you didn't invite me to your wedding?!"

The lies were rilling up right now and it hurt you.

"We married before I worked for the young lord."

Sebastian explained, you had to get the hold of these lies and it hurt. Even remembering to now try to find a ring quick before she asks for it will be hard. Sebastian nudges you now and behind your backs, he holds out a ring, you look at him and put it on quickly, you then put your right hand up and admire the ring, like a married woman would do when mentioned on her marriage.

"It's so pretty!"

Lizzy looks at it, she then looks somewhere else than at you and Sebastian, you kiss his cheek to congratulate him for quick thinking.

"Wait! Ciel, sorry I just saw such a pretty dress, come with me!"

She takes a hold of the 13-year-olds hand he gasps and grunts.

"Sebastian, (Y/N) go to my office--!"

He orders, you didn't hear but Sebastian looks at you then, it seemed to know what he said, he then gives you one of those looks and you follow him again up the stairs. 

This was going to hurt your ankles in the morning at it hurt even more to know.


You stood in front of Ciel's office.

"Wait, there is someone inside."

There was movement inside and you were the first to notice, Sebastian looks at you before opening the door.

"What species?"

He questions, you close your eyes and try to see.

"Demon...Claude...Vampire, no human."

Opening your eyes again, Sebastian was close to you, too close for comfort some might say, you blinked a couple of times, trying to take your heat vision off, looking into the demon's eyes.

"Claude and Alois."

You nodded and Sebastian smiled and stood straight up again and opened the door, the door creeks open and in the middle of the whole office were two rats.

Alois and Claude.

"Claude! You said that no one was coming!"

Claude looked stunned, you were in the doorway right in the middle of the two doors, your dress to rest of the space but Sebastian stood close to you.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

Sebastian hissed, but he didn't move, Alois looks at Claude.

"I don't believe we have met."

Claude looks at you up and down, it was like he knew you, the more you looked at him the more you didn't know if you knew him or really want to. 

"Does it matter? You're still going to try to steal the letters anyway."

you scoff, the spider looking demon and the little boy--? looked at you and then the he smiled brightly.

"Letters? What letters?"

Not This Time. ( Sebastian x reader )Where stories live. Discover now