Chapter two

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Recap: Soon my gun was knocked out of my hands and I fell trying to catch it.

I got knocked out and the only thing on my mind was Lily. what happened to her soon I felt my body being picked up into strong arms and I felt sparks. Could he be the one?

Hours later.......

Soon I woke up in a bed and my arms were handcuffed to the bed post and I heard the door open as it revealed a sexy blond boy and I asked "where's Lily don't tell me you forgot her oh no you did but I was her legal guardian and now I lost her god I'm soo dead." I rambled "wait who are you?" i asked the blond staring at me with amusement in his blue eyes. "I'm Jake and the little girl is in another room with Kyle"he replied in a sexy voice "and your mine" he growled "last I checked I'm a human being not the latest comic book to buy." I replied me and my smart ass replies he came over to me and kissed me and I felt huge sparks and fireworks but just as he came he left and asked "or are you mine?" I tried my hardest not to say yes I'm yours so I said "why did you take me here? what do you want from me?just please let me go" "I took you because you are my soul mate , I only want you, and no can do" he replied "what do you mean soul mate?" I asked "that's for me to know and you to find out" he replied as he left. as soon as he left I pushed my head to the side and reached in my hair for a bobby pin. I tried to unlock myself.

1 hour and 47 failed attempts i finally unlocked my hand cuffs and ran out the door. I ran down stairs but got tired so I decided on sliding down the railing after I made it down to the first floor of the mansion and searched through rooms and I finally found jake in the kitchen and surprised him by jumping on his back and yelling YOU

He shrieked and put down the food as soon as I asked "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HANDCUFF ME?!" he looked startled at my sudden outburst "cause you could of run away" he answered "thanks for the ideas mate" I replied while running away from the house with a angry jake hot on my heels soon he got me unfortunately and screamed " Like you did right now"his blue eyes were now black and his eyes kept looking at my lips "dude calm your balls" I said "plus you gave me the idea" I added

Soon we went back to the mansion everyone looked at us weirdly so I just said "quit staring at me it's freaky and it makes me quite uncomfortable as you can see" they stopped looking and went back to what they were doing "so do ya have a game room pal?"

"Well duh" jake replied

"Take me there"i said

"Follow me"he said "no can do your taking me there" i shouted as I jumped on his back

As soon as we got there I started playing grand theft auto and I said "so tell me why did you kidnap me?"

"Well umm....." He nervously said rubbing the back of his neck "Itoockyoubecauseyourmymatrandwe'rementtobetoge-therforever." he said quickly "so tell me chump what's a mate? imagine this is like a werewolf book like the kinds I read on wattpad."I exclaimed "well you see we kind of umm are....werewolves and I'm the um alpha"he said my mouth dropped open in shock I started laughing "okay you got me now where are the people that are supposed to be yelling gotcha?"

" Come with me" he said grabbing my hand immediately I felt sparks he took me outside to a forest and he started stripping "Ahhhhh!!!!! if this is the part where you rape me please I'm innocent I don't want to lose my first time yet because I don't want to lose my virginity at the moment please spare me!" I rambled he watched me with amusement and said "just watch" I watched him turn into a big black wolf the wolf was taller than me!

And I'm pretty tall. my jaw was pretty much touching the floor I watched him change back once he changed back he was naked

"Ya got a big one aye?" I asked laughing he stared at me confused " i thought you were gonna faint like other girls" he said while putting on his clothes " hey i was enjoying the view!well I guess I'm not an other girl am I now?" i asked he shrugged "so mate when ya thinking about completing the mating process?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows "perv!" I yelled while giggling Woah back it up since when did I giggle?

"Did you just giggle?"he asked staring at me with disbelief "I guess I did" as we walked back to the pack house. when we got inside my mate jake said "turns out Lily was giving everyone the silent treatment for kidnapping her" he chuckled i ran up the stairs to the room beside the one I was in and opened it and saw a bunch of guys with Lily. "Lily!"i screamed "Apwil!"she screamed I ran towards her engulfing her in a big hug "that's the first word she's said all day" exclaimed a person I think Kyle "you see we got a big sister bond"i exclaimed "hey babe you wanna go sleep? its gettin pretty late"asked jake " sure" I said as I kissed Lily good night jake carried me to our room and set me down we put his strong muscular arms around my waist as I kissed him good night this is gonna take awhile to get used to I thought

Should I make a Jakes P.O.V.? or stick to Aprils P.O.V.? you tell me in the comments below thanks for reading chumps

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