Chapter five

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We walked in the room and we saw Emma and Kyle kissing "Ahhhhh!!!! I'm scarred for life" i yelled as i ran away.....I just found out Jake has anger issues. So I walked up the stairs to Jakes office and knocked on the door "come in" a stressed out voice said

I walked in and I asked "do you want to eat breakfast with me?" "No" I walked out I decided to play with Cody his third in command "hey Cody" said "hey April want to play Xbox with me?" "Sure" we played till it was lunch time and then we got hungry so we decided that it's time to eat I went upstairs to Jakes office and knocked "come in" a gruff voice replied I opened the door and I asked "hey Jake want to have lunch with me?" I asked hopefully "I already ate a sandwich" he replied not looking up

I went outside for a run because I was sad that my own mate wouldn't want to eat lunch with me I loved the way the wind would go through my fur but soon enough I'm slammed into a tree. "I thought you wouldn't run away!" Jake yelled "but I was just SAVE IT" he interrupted i felt sad that my own mate was treating me like this. He threw me over his shoulder as he walked back to the pack house. Soon enough he handcuffed me to the bed again but I had no bobby pins this time so curse myself i thought he left the room and slammed the door "the door never did anything to you!" I shouted he just stomped "neither did the floor!"

The next day

I woke up to no handcuffs i showered and dried my hair I got dressed and then I went down to eat break feast tonight was a full moon Jake had told me that on full moons werewolves go crazy and kill everything they see so they have to be locked up but that doesn't happen with my fox.

Later On........

So Jake had just left for the cages and I wanted ice cream so I have to buy some. I walked down the street and across the road and got my ice cream. I paid for it and was walking back when I felt a glare on the back of my head. I ignored it and kept walking but soon I got knocked out..............

I woke up to a different room with some kind of machines I tried moving but I felt too weak I looked up and saw a girl my age glaring at me but she was really pretty ,never let looks fool you. She pressed something then I started shaking god the pain it hurt more than my first shift all you could hear were my screams. Scream after scream day after day the pain would stop but it would go on later. I felt like I was gonna die. I started feeling weaker till I couldn't even move, I was paralyzed I felt my heartbeat go slower and slower. Will the pain ever stop?

I started to see black then I heard nothing not even my heartbeat all I heard was the girls laughter hanging in the air what did I do to deserve this?

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