Lives at risk!! Part 22

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Mysti's pov

As we were walking by to some old palace I realised for some reason we were still in our uniforms?! Oooooof I forgot to bring meh extra cloths with me heheheheheheheheeh........then we went up to the training top and saw a red head ( yo it's not Alec kk) and a blue headed girl ( not Funneh to guess who they are!!) staring at the ground. We didn't know what exactly happened so kira and lona went to those girls and asked what was going on...

No ones pov

Flame: omg omg omg there is still blood on the ground!!!!!!

Bubless: I dunno how to save her but get her to they healing room ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!??!????

Kira: uhm what's wrong guys..?

Lona: ya is everything ok---

* looks at Flame's and Bubless's face in complete shock and scariness *

Bubbly cake: oh umm help pls....!!

* lover comes out of no where *

Lover: huh what the is this blood..?!?!

Kira: yes sorry ma'am it's blood!!

Lover: from what tho??

Kira: uhhhhhhh someone fell from the sky...

Lover: oh..hope the person feels better!

Lona: thanks for ur care

Lover: no problem!

Kookie's pov

I heard a voice and I was in a complete state of joy when I heard this persons has been a while since I last saw her...that's when I yelled down "who is there?!?!" I yelled. " hmmmm is that u.....Kookie?!?!?!?!?!?". " oh my lord it's u Lover!! ". I wasn't focusing  so I jumped of the edge and when I realised it I was oh no no no no nooooo. But then all the sudden I felt like I was floating I opened my eyes and see that my wings were popping up and I was a fairy that's when I realised I had my power a fairy  then I looked down from head to toe that my outfit looked different as well as my hair. I had green eyes light brown hair with some pink, purple, and blue streaks with in it. And I was also wearing a dress made out of marshmallows and and ice cream cone and chocolate. I then also had a an ice cream cone and ice cream with it for a hat. And it is edible.

- meanwhile with Funneh -

Funneh: * wakes up * wha wha what happened..?

Fauna: u fell from the training base

Funneh: oh oh

Alec: omg Funneh!!

Icelly and Fauna: heheheheheheheheeh * pushes Funneh and Alec together *

Funneh and Alec: * kisses each other in the lips by accident *

Both: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk Falec!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both: * breaks from the kiss then blushes * oooof am sorry!!

Alec: it's ok

Funneh: it's ok too

Fauna: * sends to magicgram it's like Instagram * and send heheheh 

Icelly: look how many likes there are!!

Fauna: ten thousand already eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk

Funneh: send what now?!?!?!?!?!?

Icelly: uuuuuh nothing!!!

Alec: Fauna gimme the phone!!!!

Fauna: Neva u sucka!!!!!!

Both: we're gonna kill u for this!!!

Icelly: * taps Fauna's shoulder * run..!

* run meme plays *

So they went running T.B.C

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