Practice Part 30

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Salbac pov

I,took of the hoodie and put on my casual outfit and then The 'GIRL' was like very curious of how to control her powers. I then showed her the basics of time traveling I wasn't really sure if she was listening!? I then told her to go over by the middle of the circle in the woods and I did something.

No ones pov

Salbac: ok now u stay there!

Mysti: what are u going to do to meh?!

Salbac: now watch this! * makes the time freezes but it was all in a nova  so mysterious wind came out *

Mysti: eeeeek u know my red uniform dress is floating right?!

Salbac: so what?!

Mysti: ugh nvm 

the Time stopped every motion just stopped

Mysti: wow!

Salbac: see told ya time stopped in this area..

Mysti: wow just wow

Salbac: now with a snap of my fingers I will un freeze time again! * snaps her fingers *

Mysti: wow this time it didn't flew my skirt phew..

Salbac: now u try to turn back time 😉

Mysti: mmmm ok I'll try using my thoughts this time..* uses her magic to change the flow of time then the area spins way back to the 17 hundreds *

Salbac: ummmmmm where are we?!?

Mysti: I think we're in the 17 hundreds!

Salbac: good job now turn the time back to 2018 December 15 k..?

Mysti: ok Salbac 

( Mysti turned back the time to 2018 )

Mysti: * opens her eyes * wohooooooo I did it * jumps in the air like an anime girl *

Salbac: u jump like a anime girl! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Mysti: no I don't!!!!! * pouts like a baby *

Salbac: what ever it is still cute tho


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