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Harry was on a flight back to Cheshire, the boys were given 2 weeks break to relax before the releasing of the new songs and album would begin.

Harry couldn't wait to go home, he hadn't saw his family in months and to be honest, he just need a break. He loved touring, he loved recording and loved interviews but they were all so much when your doing it 24/7. It began to make Harry wonder if this is how Zayn felt, but only worse.

A few hours later and Harry was stood outside of his family home in Cheshire, getting his suitcase out of the taxi.

"Harry!!" Gemma shouted and ran to hug him.

"Hey Gem" Harry said with a big smile while hugging her.

"How have u been" Gemma said, while they walked into the house.

"Great. How's u and everyone?" Harry asked.

"Well my brother, we have all been great but better now your here" Gemma said while walking excitedly into the house which made Harry chuckle.

"My baby!" Harrys mother said while walking over to give him a hug and a kiss on the check.

"Hey mum" Harry smiled.

For the next few hours Harry made himself feel comfortable and at home again, and in his opinion, it was nice to know that he could relax and not worry about having to get up at 5am to record or anything. Life was good.


ZaynMalik: wishing I could be walking hand in hand with you

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ZaynMalik: wishing I could be walking hand in hand with you...
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Harry was scrolling through Instagram and came across Zayn's page, the caption made him realised that he had yet to talk to Zayn, he really wanted to, he felt ready, he just didn't know how to. A small Dm was all to simple for harry.

"Haz" Gemma said, breaking the silence of the room.

"Hm" Harry said still looking at his phone.

"Can we talk" Gemma's voice has now became a lot softer but serious, making Harry look up from his phone.

"Er sure. Yeah what's up Gem?" Harry asked while putting his phone away.

"Your probably not going to like this. But it's about Zayn." Harry's heart jumped at his name, he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but he actually felt okay to talk about him. This made him happy.

"No I feel good about talking about him, what do u wanna talk about?" Harry replied with a accepting smile.

Gemma's eyes lit up, she felt founded at Harry's response, this all seemed to feel easier to her...well she was hoping it was.

"I think you need to talk to him, that's what's up"-
"-it's just, I feel bad Yeno, he's got dropped from his label that is also your label for wanting to show how much he loves you. He tried so many times to reach out to you, he and Liam have  been trying, he's tried through me, harry he's still like my little bro, I care about him and you guys just need to be together, for real this time. And I also think that it's time for you to forgive him, after all he's in love with you. We can all see that, I just hope u can too." Gemma tried to say in one breath so that Harry wouldn't interrupt her...but his reaction is what shocked her. He was smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Harry I'm trying to be serious here!"

"Gem I'm smiling because I know"

"You know what?"

"I know I need to talk to him, I know everything u told me. Gemma I'm ready to talk to him, I'm just figuring out how. Each day I'm becoming more open to loving him again, even though I never stopped." Harry replied openly.

"Omg!" Gemma said excitedly.
"Harry!! This is amazing. I'm so happy!"

Harry just smiled. He himself was happy. Could him and Zayn actually work things out?

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