Chapter 10 ~ Changes

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                       *Elvis’ POV – 2wks later*

Yawning, Elvis… or Aaron… as he was now called, rolled over in his bed covering his ears with a pillow trying to block out the agonizing noise of the alarm clock. ‘I’ll never get used to that torture device,’ he thought.

 It had been about twenty days since he had been brought to live on “Lonely Mountain” (as he called it), and waking up at 6:30 every morning had been about his least favorite part of the whole ordeal so far. The same process every single day. Awake by 6:30 – breakfast at 7 – 8 o’clock morning jog – 9:30 floor exercises – 10:10 to noon was break – then there was lunch – followed by whatever Neil and the guys wanted to do that day – dinner at 7 – back in bed again by 8:30. Three weeks had barely passed and his hair was already majoritively dirty blonde. He struggled immensely trying to sleep for the first week or so, withdraws were still hitting him hard. He craved a pill that would calm his body, and put him out of his misery for just a little while. He also craved a woman’s touch. That was something he was missing more and more. Over the stretch of the first couple days, he found a few clothes that were semi acceptable to wear, and the more he wore them, the more he began to adjust to them. Elvis found that Neil and the gang weren’t all that bad. They actually reminded him of his old pals and himself back in the day.

Rolling out of bed, Elvis dressed in a pair of whitewashed jeans and a black t-shirt, both of which were a little too small. He combed his dirty blonde hair behind his ears and shaved off what was beginning to be a mustache. Joining the rest of the guys in the kitchen, he took his seat at the table to wait for whatever it was that Neil had him eating on this morning (it was always difficult to tell).

“Well Aaron, today you’re in for some changes.” Neil stated, as he set down everyone’s plates on the table. “From now on, you’re workout schedule will only be four days a week. And with all that extra free time, you’ll be given extra freedom. Such as, you’ll be allowed to go down into the town below us and check it out every now and then. Then comes the other changes. You’re getting your hair cut today. I’m leaning towards a buzz cut. Of course, the necessary disguise will need to be addressed, but I’m thinking you’ll be able to go into town as soon as tomorrow if you’d like.”

 Elvis grinned. Though the haircut thing did not appeal at all, he’d gotten used to just accepting what he had to have done, rather than fight it. “Sounds fine to me.” Taking another bite of his oatmeal he mumbled, “What’s even in that town down there anyways?”

“Nothing really at all,” Lance coughed and Nick agreed.

Neil eyed them, “Well there is a couple little shops, a diner, a gas station, a bank, and houses. You know, the normal small town, real cute.”

Elvis nodded and finished his breakfast. “So I guess it’s time for the haircut?”

“If you’re ready, let’s get to it.” Neil said, grabbing the scissors. 

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