Pervert And Dom! Error x Innocent And Sub! Fresh

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Jsosnfeienekenekoflan I take forever to upload huh?

Also how about we make these 858 reads to 1k?


Well too bad I wanna feel worthy XD

So it's a goallllllll lol.

OK Since I'm getting straight into the sexy stuff lol, it's going to be a bit shorter and by a bit I mean just like 2 or 3 hundred words because I'm that lazy lol.

(I tried. TRIED. To make Fresh innocent.)

Error's P.O.V

Why the hell does Fresh look so cute right now.

In front of me layed Fresh biting his lip(?), cum dripping from his mouth.

" What wrong with me Error? I feel so weird ", he asked me. Oh Dear Lord I'm ruining his innocence.

" I-iT'S N-N-noRMaL for YOu tO FEeL tHaT w-W-W-waY Fresh ", I said my voice glitching here and there. I then rammed into him.

" Ah! Error! I-It h-hurts! ", he yells in pain. I continue to ram into him. His yells of pain slowly turns into pleasure.

He keeps moaning as I thrust into him. His tongue falls out and he pants. I start kissing him. After a while we stopped kissing and I continued to pound into him

" I Ah! Feel even wei-Ah!-rder ", Fresh panted. I looked down on him

" Y-YoUR'e sO CuTE i-iN THiS poSiTIon ", I chuckle as I lick his neck.

" E-Error! Stop t-t-Ah!-easing me! I'm so w-w-Ah!-et. G-go! Fa-Ah!-ster. P-Please! E-Er-AH!-ror ", Fresh moaned and begged.

(I made a quick visit to P***** (if you know what's in between P and b then you're a dirty sinner, but then again I'm the one watching it at like 2 AM) real quick, so my mind is running with ideas. Ideas I'll never write down because I'm too lazy lol.)

" S-SinCE yOU bEggED, i-i will g-GraNT y-You yOu'rE w-WisH ", I say as I start going fast.

Soon enough, after Fresh had moaned and came on me, I got close to my limit. I didn't even have enough time to warn Fresh.

I took my cock out of Fresh and turned hum around, doggy-style.

" E-Error? W-Why d-does I feel hot n-now ", Fresh asked, stuttering here and there.

" AgaIN. i-It'S NOrMAl F-freSh ", I smiled at him, even though he couldn't see it.

(I got lazy. Just imagine them fucking doggy-style. Kwif9rjewiwn. At least I tried, right?)

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