Dom! Ink x Sub! Error

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LeSinningAsswhole BOOM

Uhhh I guess warning?- itS rApE
Also sorry it took a while- I fell asleep because I didnt sleep at night 😅

No One's POV

"Inky?..", Error said sheepishly. Someone had grabbed him by the arm and threw him in there. He called out to the only person he wanted to see at that moment. He suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. He struggled and then turned around.

"I-Ink? You scared me!" He relaxed onto Ink's embrace. That's when he felt something wet on his neck, making him shiver. He realized it was Ink's tongue.

"Please st-stop.. we talked about this Inky.. I'm just n-not ready.." He then heard Ink slightly growl. He grew concerned and turned around only to get thrown onto the ground.

Ink began reach into Error's boxers and started to play with his uHhH m e m b e r. Error mewled and tried to get Ink to stop.

"Ink! Pl-Please.. I'm not comfortable w-with this!"

"Well I dont give a fuck if you're ready or not. We're doing this right now whether you want to or not. You can scream all you want but no one will hear you in here." Ink continued to give Error and hand job.

Error didnt want to enjoy this. He hated how he was being treated like a sex toy by the person he loved. He hoped Ink would come to his senses.

A while later, Error came into Ink's hand. He had felt slightly disgusted for his body to enjoy it. He hoped it was over. He hoped Ink would never do this to him again. But of course. Things never turned out in his favour.

Ink turned him around and began to forcefully take Error's clothes of along with. He smirked at the sight.

"Please stop I-Ink! Why a-are you doing this?" Error felt very uncomfortable. He tried to back away from Ink. He noticed and pinned Error to the ground.

"No escaping!" He growled and bit Error's neck. Bone marrow began seeping out and Error began to tear from pain. Ink did this all over Error's body.

Error cried and whimpered from pain and slight pleasure. He didn't want to enjoy it. It was against his will. He felt dirty and he hated it. He tried to push Ink off before things escalated but to no avail.

Ink got tired of this very easily. He began to take his clothes off. Once he did that, he stood up and went over to Error's mouth.

"Now then.. let's get to the more fun part." He inserted his member into Error's mouth. Error gagged and tears ran down his face Ink began to thrust his member in and out of his mouth.

Error could already taste Ink's precum. He gagged as Ink came in his mouth a while after. Ink pulled out and tilted his head upwards.

"Drink it all~"

Error drank most of it as some spilled. He panted and then thought it was his time to escape. He tried getting up and run away but Ink grabbed him by the arm. Error winced at how hard his grip was.

"You're not going anywhere." Ink threw him on the ground and pushed him against a wall.

"You are going to enjoy this." Ink put the tip of his member into Error's ass. Error whimpered and begged Ink not to do it.

Ink didn't care and slammed into Error's hole. Error cried in pain.

"I-Ink! Please dont!" He cried as Ink pulled out and slammed right back in, not even giving Error time to adjust.

"Your body seems to enjoy this~ You're a fucking slut~" He began to play with Error's member again.

"N-No! I don't!~ Stop!" Error sobbed, feeling very much violated.

Ink didn't listen and continued to pound Error, groaning

"Fuck~ You're really tight~" he moaned out.

Error, himself started to moan despite not wanting to. Ink smirked and went even faster, wanting to hear more moans from Error. However, Error began to muffle his moans with his hands. Ink growled and went even deeper and harder. Error cried in between moans, telling Ink to stop.

Suddenly, he felt Ink's member heat up as he trusted into him. He knew what was going to happen and he didnt want it.

"P-Please don't c-cum in me!" He begged but Ink couldn't care less. He felt himself speeding up, almost at his climax.

"I-Ink please! D-Don't cu-cum in me!" He panicked

"Shut up, you slut~" He pulled out and roughly thrusted one last time, cumming deep inside Error.

Error moaned loudly and cried. Ink finally pulled out, panting. He decided that this was enough for today. He left Error by himself to cry.

"I d-didn't want th-this.." Error whimpered as he curled up into a ball

aHaGgaGgagUsjJejNkKsksm I'm doNe hope you liKe-

Word Count: 829 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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