Dom!Sci x Sub!Outer

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Outer's P.O.V

Stupid Sci. Trying to make me read this goddamn book about... uh... what is this about again...?

Oh yeah! Sciency thingymajigies. I think.

" if a skeletons prostate is touched, the skeleton will feel an immense wave of pleasure. Prostate? Where's that? ", I asked myself. Suddenly Sci is behind me and is leaning over my shoulder to see the book.  He flips pages left and right and then stops.

" Here. On page 94. The prostate is located deep within a skeletons... ahem... private part. Specifically... the... vagina. ", Sci answered, reading the book. I could feel a blush appear on my cheeks as he read.

" S-So how do you touch the p-prostate? ", I asked, my blush getting bigger and brighter. I could feel Sci staring at me, thinking of his answer.

" I can show you. Would that be alright? " he asked me and I felt myself nod. ' SHIT! WHAT AM I DOING!? ', I yelled inside my mind.

I could feel my heart starting to race as Sci carried me bride style to his room in this lab. He laid me down on his bed.

" Take off your pants and boxers. You can take of your jacket and shirt if you want. ", Sci said, blushing slightly. I nodded and took all of my clothes off. It seemed appropriate for whatever we're doing, but do I really have to take my clothes off?

Wait a minute! He's going to show me how to touch someone's prostate using my body! Holy shit! How did I just figured this out!

" You ready? ", I heard Sci said and I became aware of what was happening. I had already formed a vagina and Sci had fingers at my entrance.

My face flared up and I nodded nervously. I felt his fingers go into my entrance. I felt pain and pleasure shoot throughout my books and I let out a small whimper. Sci seemed to enjoy what he was doing.

Sci thrusted his fingers in and out of me and eventually I was only feeling pleasure. After thrusting his fingers in me, I felt a huge wave of pleasure come over me. I moaned louder than I had the other times and I felt myself cum.

" That was you reacting to having your prostate touched. ", Sci had said, taking his fingers, which were covered in cum, out of me. I whimpered at the loss of his fingers.

" Do you want more? " Sci asked after hearing my quiet whimper. I blushed more and I bit my lip(?). " Y-Yeah ", I muttered, nodding.

Sci looked away for a second and started to take his clothes off. I felt myself get wetter seeing his body and cock.

Sci got on top of my, smiling slightly. He kissed me, making me gasp at the sudden movement. He took this moment to put his tongue in me. He occupied me by kissing me as he slowly put his shaft in me. I moaned loudly, tears pricking my eyes from the pain. After a while Sci was fully in me. He broke the kiss and he waited for me to give my approval to move. I nodded after adjusting to his size.

He slowly got out of me and he went back inside faster. " Pl-Please go f-fast-ter S-S-Sci ", I stuttered. " Whatever you say darling ", Sci smiled and I blushed, if possible, even more.

I felt Sci thrust in me even faster than with his fingers and I moaned loudly as I felt him touch my prostate.

" O-Oh S-Sci! P-Please go f-fa-aster! R-R-Right th-there! ", I moaned out. My mind was a mess and I couldn't think straight. All I could think of was of Sci.

Sci groaned out as he thrusted into me at an inhuman speed. I wrapped my legs around him and dug my nails into him as more I felt more pleasure. I felt myself coming close to my breaking point. I couldn't warn Sci because before I knew it, I had moaned out his name and came a second time.

Sci kept thrusting into me for a few more times before cumming inside of me, groaning. He got out of me and laid next to me. I got closer to him and  got into his chest, breathing heavily. He put the covers over us and we eventually fell alseep

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