Chapter Three - The Meme Theory

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Why am I feeling nervous?

We'll just watch a movie while sitting on the couch...

No problem.

I rang the doorbell.

I was all alone on the porch.

Zayn already left but wished me good luck with a smug on his face as he rolled up the window.

Still, no one was opening the door.

I rang again.

I heard thudding sounds coming down what might have been stairs and then the door opened. My mouth flew open when I saw Liam.

He looked like he was just from the shower. His hair was still wet and dripping. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist so from there up, he was naked. I can't help but stare at his fit body. I wanted to run my fingers down his abs and maybe down his... I restrained myself from licking my lips.

He was so turning me on.

My blue eyes met his brown ones.

"Niall?" he looked confused like he didn't expect me to be there in the first place. "What are you doing here? And how did you know my house?"

"But you texted me and told me to come here and watch 101 Dalmatians..."

"What? I didn't text you... I don't even know your number."

Is this a joke? Because if it is, then it's not very funny.

I fished out from my pocket my phone and showed him the number that texted me. "Is this your number, Liam?" He took a closer look and glanced at me. "Yes but I didn't text you. I swear!" He sounded completely honest but I was already jumpy.

"Then who did it? Your phone wouldn't just type on its own!"

"After we left you at the parking lot, Zayn drove us straight home. When he dropped off my cousin he asked me if..." His eyes widened. "God no... He didn't!"

So it was Zayn who texted me. It figures why Liam sounded like he was flirting with me. I guess it wasn't like him to text someone... My stomach churned. I felt like an idiot coming here and disturbing Liam. I bet Zayn was laughing while this is happening to me. I gritted my teeth. Zayn Malik is gonna pay for this.

"Liam, I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll be going now." I started to turn around when he grabbed my hand. I felt something slippery on his. Was that soap... or something else?

"You're already here so,” he smiled, “I guess I'll have to change my schedule for the night."

I waved him off. "Please don't ruin your plans because of me."

Liam raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I really hope that’s not sulking in your tone again because I thought I made it clear that you're worth something, Niall."

He pulled me into the house and shut the door. His voice suddenly changed, like he was mimicking someone. "Besides, it's the social convention to let a guest in and perhaps offer him a hot beverage." He smirked and giggled.

I shook my head and laughed. "You did not just quote Sheldon Cooper!"

Liam placed his hands on his waist. "It's Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and what's wrong with quoting a nutbag scientist?"

"Now, now, he's not a nutbag. His mother had him tested and in case it has slipped your mind, you standing in front of me wearing only a towel is...very..." I didn't want to tell him that it was very sexy. It might feel awkward to him.

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