Chapter Seven - Fate's Decision

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September 01

Third Person POV

The door creaked open and a slightly curly haired teenage girl peeked into the room, her eyes fixed on the sleeping boy on the bed. “Zac… Zachary Michaels! Wake up!”

“Wha –” Zac jerked from his bed, letting out a yelp of pain. He felt the sting of moving his injured leg. He closed his eyes again, trying not to think of the pain he was feeling right now. There was that voice again… A giggle came from his side and when he opened his eyes, Erika was staring at him.

“Sorry about that…” she said, placing her head on the mattress and looking up at Zac.

Zac shifted slowly, trying not to move his leg so much. “What do you want?” His voice was a little hoarse, but the hint of annoyance can still be found. Erika just grinned at him, “Someone’s here to see you…” The door opened again and a bleach-blond haired man came in. You would mistake him as still a teenager with his attire – a t-shirt under his jacket, a pair of jeans, a pair of black Chucks, and a baseball cap with a four-leafed clover on it. Niall smiled at the two of them, “Too casual?”

Zac laughed, “For an audience with the queen, yes.”

“Very funny, young man.” said Niall, sitting down beside Erika by the bed. “Anyways, I’m sorry of all the troubles I’ve caused you…”

“You’ve never caused any trouble to me, Niall.”

“Yeah, everyone says that… just to make me feel better.”

“Did my sister talk with you? She can sometimes get into your head. Whatever you do, don’t believe her.”

“Yes, I did and she told me what you’ve been trying to do…” Niall’s tone turned serious.

Erika grabbed her bag, stood up from where she was sitting, and planted a kiss on Zac’s cheek. “I’ll be outside… I think it’s better if you two talk alone. Get well soon, Zac.” Niall’s and Zac’s eyes followed her until she reached the door, opened it, and went outside.

There was a bit of silence after Erika left, Zac blankly stared at the window, trying to think of a way to explain to Niall and perhaps make him agree to what he was planning; Niall was thinking of a way to break it to Zac that all of this was not worth it.

In such a short span of time, Niall hasn’t divulged so much of his life story to anyone else than this teenage boy he’s looking at right now. He was like a little brother, a little Niall he can whisper his heart’s aches and troubles. The best thing perhaps that Niall could think of Zac was that he didn’t judge people. Niall came into this country with the stereotype still going on and that gave him a hard time to fit in. When Ed moved away because his parents wanted him to, Niall was left all alone. The only companion he had in America left him prematurely. And with that, Niall didn’t know what to do.

Even worse, when Ed left, his apartment got robbed of his TV, his laptop, some other stuff in his apartment, and his phone. He was able to replace it a few months later for he began working part time at the nursing home while he studied at culinary school. Studying there seemed to be a waste of time to Niall – a waste of the money of the one who made him a scholar as well – though because after graduating, yes, he was a chef, but he picked on servicing the elderly. He didn’t become a world famous chef – he became a cook in the nursing home. It was self-satisfactory to Niall because he can see himself to be like those elders in the years to come.

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