Chapter Nine - The Ginger Haired Variable

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Niall’s POV

18 Years Ago

I splashed water into my face again and wiped it off with my handkerchief. Of all the times to break down, an airport bathroom seems the least appropriate for me. I took off the earphones popped into my ears and listened for any announcements – nothing. I walked out of the bathroom until I noticed that I did something stupid… I left my phone in the bathroom sink. I ran back, relieved that it was still there but then, that relief was dispelled when I noticed the time: I was late for my flight.

Running for my life, I still didn’t make it. My discussion with the guard seemed to be going nowhere so I apologized for taking much of his time and walked away. What was I going to do? The plane was leaving without me. Maybe I could go back home but then again, it would hurt more to go back there now that I’m here. I scanned my phonebook; maybe Ed could help me with this dilemma.

I tapped my feet impatiently, waiting for Ed to answer the call. The first noise to greet me was the sound of a song playing and then, I heard Ed’s voice.

“Ahoy?” he let out a slight laugh. “Man, that’s weird and yet funny…”

I smiled as well. ‘Ahoy’ didn’t seem appropriate to be a greeting to anyone. “Ed, it’s me… Niall.”

“Hey, dude. Enjoying the flight?”

“Um…about that…” my voice trailed off.

“What happened?” his voice anxious to know the reason, ready to utilize his arsenal.

“The plane left without me. I was in the bathroom and…and…” This was embarrassing. I can’t tell him I missed the flight because I was crying in the bathroom!

“I’m fine if you don’t want to tell why. Don’t worry, I’ll be contacting Argo to pick you up and bring you to my parents’ plane…”

“Thanks, Ed… wait, what? No, no… Ed, that’s too much. You’ve done so much for me already. What if your parents get angry at you?”

He snickered, I can see him shrugging at my question, “It’s just sitting there for a week now; might as well use it before it catches rust. And don’t worry about my parents – they’re too busy with work and their socialization to even notice that their plane took off from London to San Diego. Just the same as they don’t notice me that much…”

There goes the hatred he had to his parents again. They just weren’t there for him and it’s sad that even if he was rich, there was no one to love him. It was good though that he’s helping other people rather than acting like a spoiled brat that hates the world. There was no way I could repay all those things he already helped me with and this flight dilemma was at the top of the list – right beside helping me get a spot at the school I was going to right now.

“Alright… thanks, Ed.” I hope he could see my smile right now.

“Anytime, Niall. I’ll call Argo to fetch you right now.”

Argo was this guy who was as young as my brother. He’s Ed’s assistant/butler/caretaker of the mansion here in London who was serious all the time and rarely smiled. I was expecting a limousine but then it was just a white normal sized car but it still looked expensive. I was surprised to see Argo not dressed up in his tuxedo and rather be wearing a red collared shirt and a pair of jeans. The pointy, black shoes were kept though…

“I’m surprised you look casual, Argo…” I said in a teasing way.

“My tux was still in the dry cleaners, sir. I had to make myself fine with the casual clothes.” He looked at his watch before looking at back at me, “We best be leaving, Master Niall. Master Ed would want updates anytime soon.”

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