chapter 2:Is the ghost real?

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Ruby's POV

Yang:"Siiiiiiis! What are we doing here?"

Blake:"Yang we're out here trying to find someone."


Ruby:"Someone called 'The Specter of Vale' they sound cool."

Weiss:"Seriously? 'The Specter Of Vale' isn't that person just a myth!?"

Ruby:"Are they? I've only heard of the person now, say how do you know who they are Weiss?"

Weiss:"I heard a lot of rumors of a person, wearing black armor, a sword that when swung doesn't make a sound, also heard they're a psychotic, silent maniac who goes around left and right gunning down anyone in his way."

Blake:"They're pretty infamous, he or she have done tones of illegal things, like blowing up a warehouse that belonged to the white fang, killing a CEO of a famous business company, I've also heard they drive a tank."

A tank!? If I was a dog faunas my tail would be wagging right now! Professor Ozpin sent us to track down and find someone who is a vigilante apparently. I've never heard of this person at all, I wonder where we can find them at.

3rd person POV

A couple of blocks away from team RWBY's position, in a building floor bodies of security guards were lying dead on the ground or just unconscious. The sound of grunting was heard and punching and suddenly a bloodied blond haired man is being slammed against a desk of glass, as he is being slammed into the desk each slam creates a crack in the glass of the desk. The person slamming the man into the glass suddenly stops and brings the man face to face with him, with his vision on and a voice modifier.

Y/n:"Jeremy Houston! You're one of the militias suppliers aren't you!?"

Jeremy:"P-p-please I didn't have a choice alright! Their boss, he's someone you don't want to mess with, he's dangerous!"

Y/n:"Instead of worrying about a different danger, focus on the danger in front of you! Now tell me where they're keeping their weapons!!?"

Jeremy:"I-I can't they'll kill me."

Y/n:"I'LL kill YOU, if you don't tell me about their weapon storage!"

Jeremy:"Alright, alright, they're somewhere in the sewer system's."

Y/n:"Anything else!?"

Jeremy:"No, that's all I know!"

Y/n:"Your keeping something from me, I know, now what is it!!?"

Y/n says as he now takes out one of his pistols and aims it at Jeremy's head.

Jeremy:"The-the-the boss and Roman Tourchwick are teaming up and planning to take you down."


Jeremy:"I'm sorry! That's all I know, please let me go, I'll leave Vale, I'll go anywhere you want me to go!"

Y/n:"How about you go to hell."

Y/n then grabs Jeremy by the collar of his suit and throws him into a office chair.

Jeremy:"Wait, wait, wait, what are you!?"

Outside of the building a window is smashed and a Jeremy is falling from the 18th story floor of the building. Y/n watches Jeremy falling and after a couple of minutes the screams were silenced by a loud thud that could be heard from many miles away. Then team RWBY ran to the source of the scream and at the street level team RWBY saw a body of a man all twisted up, a pool of blood sprayed across the street and bones sticking out, the girls look disgusted and couldn't bring themselves to look at it.

Weiss:"Oh my."

Yang:"Who would do something so horrible!?"

Blake sees a piece of glass fall from above and looks up and see's a dark figure standing in a broken window, looking down at them.

Blake:"Up there!"

The rest of the girls look up and then look at Blake, confused and don't know what to say to their friend.

Ruby:"Um? Blake, what are you talking about?"

Blake:"Wh-What do you mean don't you-"

Blake looks back at the same spot, but this time the person is no longer there.

Blake:"I-I saw it, he was there!"

Yang:"I think we should call it a night, we've been here for quite some time, and should get some rest."

Ruby:"Yeah, I think Yangs right, plus as your leader I have to be concerned about my teams condition."

Blake:"But I saw something."

Weiss:"Come on Blake, let's go."


As the group of girls left the figure blake saw was now seen standing on a different building staring at them, as they walked away.

Y/n:"Great, now the huntsmen are looking for me, first Ironwood now this. This Is gonna be tough."

Y/n says as they walk off the building and jump off, disappearing into the night,  not being noticed by anyone.

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