chapter 3:The encounter

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Y/n's POV

Great, now I'm being targeted by huntsmen. This entire world is against me, isn't it? Even when I try to do what's right, my actions are rejected by society, is everything I do all worthless. No, I don't care how people view my ideals 'monster, demon, killer, psycho, murderer' all these things people call me. I need to find my target, he's around here somewhere, in this storage house near the city, this place has many things for both the militia and the white fang. Tonight it all burns down.

3rd person POV

Currently team RWBY were now walking on a sidewalk and still on their investigation.

Yang:"Urgh! This is so frustrating, are we even sure that this person is still in the city anymore?"

Weiss:"Yang, calm down, we've only been looking for a good 2 or 3 hours."

Yang:"Its 11:18 and it's a school night, so why are we still here!?"

Ruby:"Look, let's just do one more sweep around the block and then we can go back to our dorms, alright?"

Yang:"Nothing interesting is happening though."

Weiss:"At least Blake isn't complaining. Right Blake?.... Blake?"

Blake was staring at the top of a building before running towards it, the others followed and eventually all stopped at the corner of the building, in a alleyway and near a storage.

Ruby:"Blake, why'd you run off like that?"

Blake:"I saw someone jumping off the building and coming here."

Weiss:"Are you sure? For all I know it could just be-"

Weiss's theory was quickly shot down when gunshots were heard and the sounds of men screaming in agony were all being quickly silenced. Then complete silence filled the air, the team could not comprehend what they'd all just witness, nor did they know what they should do.


Blake:"They killed all those people."

Ruby:"What!? No-No way, isn't he-or she a  hero or something? I mean heroes don't kill right, plus we could just be assuming things, no way they-"

Ruby's assumption were silenced as a man in a red and yellow military uniform was thrown out the window of the fourth floor of the storage. The team then looks at the broken window and see a figure wearing black armor, with small f/c neon lights that could barely be seen. The figure turns their back on the team and begins walking away, the team then took out their weapons and started preparing for the fight of their lives.

Weiss:"Ruby, we could really use a plan, right now would be the perfect time to use strategy!"

Ruby:"Right well first we created a distraction, then Blake and Yang-"

Yang:"Get back here!!"

Yang yells before she launches herself by firing her gauntlets behind. As she launches herself she raises her fist ready to strike the person. But they dodged her attack quickly and now both were fighting on a metal balcony, they faced each other and yang quickly rushes the person and goes for quick jabs, while firing her gauntlets, the person keeps avoiding her attacks and jumps back to get some distance. He finally takes out a weapon, which was a katana on his back and he runs at her with incredible speed, leaving f/c lightning behind him as he runs. He goes on the offensive and keeps slashing at yang, she is blocking every attack he is throwing.

Yang:Heh. He can't even hit me, I can take him.

Y/n:I can tell she's cocky, plus her attacks are based on boxing. It's time I stopped studying her combat abilities and see how she'll fair against me in a real fight.

Y/n takes yang by surprise as he gives her a legsweep and causes her to completely fall, but before she hit the ground y/n kicks her off the balcony and now the two were fight on ground level. Yang gets up and sees y/n standing still and looking at her. She gets up and jumps up and reels her fist back and tries to punch y/n, but he backflips and punches the ground as she hit the ground the area was now covered in smoke. She looks down to see she hit a smoke grenade and caused it to create all this smoke that was clouding her vision. She looks around and tries to see if she can spot y/n in the smoke, she then turns around and is greeted by y/n rushing past her and slashing her by the left of her stomach. She holds it in pain with her right hand, her aura still protected her, but the pain was awful and it hurt a lot she then is slashed across her back and screamed in pain, she does a quick 180 and fires a shot into the cloud of smoke, but doesn't hit anything. Then she is kicked down onto her knees and then is grabbed by her throat, she was being strangled and she felt another hand on the back of her head and is slammed into the ground. Both hands released her and she looks up to see a figure standing above her, she tries to reach out to them, but is knocked out by them kicking her in the face. Y/n now stands above her and he hears more people approaching.

Ruby:"Yang! Yang, where are-oh no! Yang, hang in there!"

Ruby rushes to her sister's side and checks her to find many injuries on her, she then looks up to see someone standing up at a window, looking down at her, she quickly takes out her scythe and aims it at the person.

Ruby:"Who are you, what did you do to her!?"

Y/n:"Who I am is not important, consider it mercy that I let her live, now go show this to your leader as a warning. Because  next time if any of you try to hunt me down, I will kill you, all of you."

He says before he jump out the window and Blake and Weiss arrive.

Weiss:"Ruby-Yang!! What happened!?"

Ruby:"Call a medical transport, she needs it."

Blake:"Who did this?"

Ruby:"It was them, the one we've been looking for, they exist!"

[To be continued]

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