chapter 5:Never

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[3rd person POV]

[In the city of vale]

The streets were in chaos. Many news team were all reporting on the same incident. A attack on multiple huntsmen and huntress.

Channel 3:"We are currently standing right near a alleyway were three students were attacked and killed by the person known as the Specter of vale. Luckily one of the boys survived but is currently in a psychiatric ward."

Channel 8:"We are getting reports near the docks three teams of huntsmen and huntress have been found heavily injured, suffering broken bones, internal bleeding and head trauma."

Channel 78:"We are currently on one of the streets of vale were some people were reported to have been thrown off rooftops. Thankfully many survived. A total of 8 huntsmen were thrown, 5 survived and are getting medical treatment and 3 currently are deceased."

Now the main channel everyone watches vnn. Talking was Lisa Lanvender.

Lisa:"Now then what we see here is something clearly out of the young huntsman and huntress league. There are currently still huntsmen and huntress being found nearly everywhere on vale. General Ironwood has released a official statement on these attacks."

We cut to see Ironwood talking to many people, all with cameras and asking what will be done.

Ironwood:"What we see here is clearly the works of a person who thinks they are judged, jury and executioner. We will not tolerate these acts of violence, which is why atlas has now now decided to step in and hope to capture this person who calls them selves the Specter of vale. We will succeed no matter what."

Photographer:"General Ironwood! Why focus on this person, they clearly don't mean harm to innocent people. They were clearly attacked by the huntsmen who were sent to kill or capture him. They were only merely defending themselves the only way they know how."

Ironwood:"Um? Next question."

Reporter:"General Ironwood, your not planning on executing this person once they are caught right?"

Ironwood:"No, but we won't simply let this person go free. They must be contained in order to keep peace in our cities."

Reporter:"What about the people who are against you and professor Ozpin going after the Spector. People praise them for giving out rightful punishment to those who threaten our society and some were so afraid of being found by him they quit their criminal lives altogether."

Ironwood:"I understand were people may see these acts as real justice but what you people think is well deserved. I say is overkill, we are dealing with someone who thinks they can change the world through their violence, but this could cause more bloodshed. Which is why we will stop at nothing to capture this person who thinks they can do what they want. We won't-"

Suddenly the entire screen turns off and we see y/n standing in front of a black tv screen. Staring at in with a determined face and at the same time full of rage. He crushes the remote with his left hand.

Y/n:"Bring it on. I'll tear down your entire kingdom if your willing to go to war with me Ironwood. I won't be afraid of you. If you can't scare me then how will anyone ever fear you? I think it's time I paid a visit to the man in charge."

Y/n grabs his helmet and sword and heads off. To beacon academy.

[Timeskip brought to you by the camera looking at the sun and changing to the moon]

[Inside beacon]

Huntsmen 1:"Hey man did you hear about team rwby?"

Huntsmen 2:"What about those chicks?"

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