A Kittypet!

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(This is my first Warriors fanfic, so shush)

No one's POV

Rusty sighed as he looked out at the green forest. He had always wondered what it's like to run free, to not be stuck within wooden walls. To eat live food, and not hard, tasteless kitty food. "What are you doing out here, Rusty?" Said cat jumped slightly, to lost in thought to where he didn't hear his friend, Smudge, approach the wooden fence he was on. "Just...thinking." Rusty answered.

"It's dark out here, what could you possibly be thinking about that it makes you skip sleep?" The black and white cat hopped onto the fence next to his friend, and looked out at the forest, to. "Nothing....you wouldn't understand." Smudge looked at Rusty questioningly. "How would I not understand?" Suddenly, a rustle in the tall grass below the fence startled the two. The grass swayed and moved, a fluffy gray tail popping up where it moved. "W-what is that? It doesn't look like a rabbit, o-or a mouse, or anything else that crawls around out here!" Smudge gasped, surprise and confusion in his wide, amber eyes. Rusty followed it with his own wide, curious eyes. 'It must be another cat...' Rusty was tempted to jump down and follow it, but fought against it as it stopped. It made a purr of victory as it's gray head popped up, a large mouse in it's jaws. The stranger looked up at the two watching when Smudge gasped again. It's eyes widened and it stood, claws unsheathed and fur slightly on end. "Kittypets!"

Smudge and Rusty were taken aback. "Kittypets?" They asked in unison, confused. Rusty looked at Smudge, while he tilted his head at the strange cat. "What's a 'Kittypet'?"

The gray cat on the other side of the fence growled quietly, "Kittypets. You belong to Twolegs, obviously, or you wouldn't be up there." Rusty now tilted his head, "what are 'Twolegs'? You mean humans?" Smudge suddenly perked, "Oooh, he means we're pets, because we belong to humans."

Rusty nodded, looking back at Smudge, then back down to the stranger. "Is that what you mean? Pets and humans?" The stranger glared back up at them, eyeing Rusty specifically. If he was honest, if he was excpeting one of them to attack him, it would probably be the orange one. He had more muscle, and his eyes showed intelligence. The other looked plump, and soft. He had more belly than muscle. "Kittypets and Twolegs." He relaxed slightly, figuring neither would pounce. "What are you doing out here? No stray cat has ever come this close to our fence."

"Stray? I don't know what that is. Im a ThunderClan apprentice. I live in ThunderClan, with Ravenpaw, Sandpaw, Dustpaw, the other apprentices. And Bluestar, our leader. And the warriors, Whitestorm, Tigerclaw, Lionheart, Darkstripe, Longtail, and others. Our medicine cat, Spottedleaf. And our Queens, and our deputy, Redtail. And our elders. The kits, who will grow to be apprentices, like me, then warriors." The stranger explained. Rusty was confused, but curious and intrigued.

"That's confusing, but sounds cool!" Smudge spoke up. "By the way, I'm Smudge. He's my friend, Rusty." The stranger looked hesitant for a split second, then spoke, "I'm Graypaw. I'm out here for a midnight hunt- Bluestar allowed me, because she said it'd help. Fresh-kill is getting scarce because of leaf-bare." Rusty tilted his head, "Fresh-kill? Leaf-bare?" Graypaw smiled patiently, "Fresh prey. And when it gets colder and the leaves fall off the trees."

"Oh. Sounded kind of obvious..." Rusty muttered to himself. Smudge smiled, looking from Rusty to Graypaw. "Are you going to visit again? I'm sure you need to get back to the other cats of your ThunderClan." Graypaw smiled back, "I could try and convince Redtail or Bluestar to let me patrol or hunt up here tomarrow. Be expecting me!"

With that, Graypaw turned and ducked down into the grass, running into the forest with his catch.

Smudge turned to Rusty, who was staring out into the forest again. "I think we should get some sleep, so we can wake up and meet Graypaw again." Rusty nodded, then slowly turned and hopped off the fence into his garden. Smudge did the same, but into his own. Both cats went into there homes, resting for the rest of the night.

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