The cabin came with logs, with fire burning and midnight snacks and stories. It came with sparks of Sun within our minds and souls, it came with stars and planets and a creek between two stones.
"It's been a lovely place," you said as we were walking down the alley that takes forever - all-places-woven-into-one - and I agreed and smiled and said I felt like singing. "So sing," you said, and an earth drum formed between my hands, and I began to play. "It feels as though Forever's singing," I think you said, and I agreed and nodded, and kept on drumming the night away.
The path was laid before us, and in my heart I said, "This journey has been made for us - there's no aloneness in the story."
I think you laughed (a merry sound), and drummed along beside me.
Photo credit: Mark Basarab via Unsplash