CH 13

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Chapter 13

Meeting the Hunters

Felicia looked out the window of her room. Rain was falling ever so lightly from the heavens. It was the day she would have to face the hunters. She climbed off her bed and walked to her dresser. She looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t see the lost girl who always stared back a couple months ago. She saw a proud honorary wolf who had a place in this messed up world. Her eyes had developed a gleamed to them which told her she was where she belonged and it was all thanks to some dickhead vampire. If they hadn’t saved her she wouldn’t have found the family she had longed for, she wouldn’t have found her soul mate. Felicia smiled to herself knowing she had made the right decision.

She open one of her draws, dug to the very bottom and pulled out a small pile of black clothing.

Thank god I had a Goth stage.

She walked out of her room and began to walk to the bathroom but was pulled into another room by Kade.

“Being my mate has its advantages.” He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

“And what would that be?” She replied, slyly.

“Ensuite privileges,” Kade said while flamboyantly directing her to his ensuite.

“Thank you,” she said.

Felicia tried to give him a kiss on the cheek but he quickly turned his head and caught her lips on his. The kiss was short, sweet and simple. A smile graced Felicia features when the broke apart.

She slipped into the ensuite and put her clothes on the bench in there. She turned on the shower, adjusted it to the right temperature, undress and got in. She quickly washed herself with Kade’s shower gel and washed her hair. She rinsed her body and turned off the shower. She hopped out and grabbed the nearest towel which she dried herself with. She wrapped it around her body and looked to the sink to find her toothbrush there. She started to brush her teeth when Kade walked in. He took her hair in his hands and started to plait it. Felicia finished brushing her teeth at the same time Kade finished her hair. He had plaited it so it went over her shoulder and left some of her hair to hang around her face. Kade got undressed, put his clothes in the washing basket and climbed into the shower.

She took her clothes and after decided it was too hot in the ensuite, walked back into Kade’s room. She put her on all her clothes and looked into the full length mirror which Felicia never noticed before.

She had black skinny jeans on. A black corset with straps on it which had gold buckles. Over the corset she had a black leather jacket on which stop just at the bottom of her ribs. The jacket had two pockets on each side and two on her sleeves, all with gold zippers. Felicia thought she looked nice.

She walked out of Kade’s room and back into hers. She walked back to the dresser and did her make up. She had only put on black eyeliner and mascara. She put on a touch of blush. She looked to the side of her dresser and to the floor where she put her shoes. She picked a pair of black combat boots and put them on. Felicia then open the very bottom draw and pulled out her gun and thigh holster. She strapped the holster to her and slipped the gun in. She looked back into the bottom draw and saw her trusty baseball bat. She picked it up and rested it on her shoulder. Felicia felt like she looked the part but that was for the pack to decide.

She walked down the stairs and into the lounge where the betas were waiting. She did a little spin for them.

“What do you think?” she asked them.

“You look like a hunter,” commented Chris, “It’s unsettling.”

“Good,” she sighed, “I need to make you feel uncomfortable.”

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