CH 5

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Chapter 5

Origins, Gifts, Surprises and Muffins

Thomas woke up late the morning after his lovely conversation with Kade. He laid in his bed willing the sun to go down and night to reign supreme again but it didn’t happen. He swung his legs out of bed and walked over to his dresser, open a draw and pulled out a pair of pants, slipped them on and walked out of his room and down the stair. It wasn’t until he was half way down the stairs that he smell it.

The scent of muffins.

He quicken his pace and rushed down the stairs. Tom turned into the kitchen and saw the pack who looked like normal humans except Chris who stood in the kitchen and had his claws out to open a can of beans.

Kade was sitting at the table, glasses perched on his nose, reading a book. Alesia and Dana were sitting at the bench watching Felicia bend over the oven. Felicia stood back up, oven mitts on her hands and carrying two trays of muffins. She set them down on some cutting boards that were already laid out on the bench. Alesia went to grab one but got her hand slapped by Felicia who said, “The have to cool first,” to which Alesia pouted.

“Morning,” Thomas yawned.

“Morning,” They all said with Felicia sounding like the only one awake.

“Why aren’t you guys at school?” asked Tom when he realised it was a Tuesday.

“Well, it was only going to me due to the fact my neck hasn’t healed but the other three started to whine and so they got to stay home too,” explained Felicia.

“Right,” he replied, looking at Kade, accusingly.

Tom sat down at the table and looked at Kade wondering why on earth he wore glasses, he doesn’t have bad eyesight; he’s a bloody werewolf after all. All illness and aliments were cured when people got the bite.

“Why do you wear glasses?” asked Felicia.

Finally, someone has the guts to ask.

“They magnify the words but also I had glasses before I was turned so it’s nice to wear them to remember that time,” he told Felicia.

“What was your life like before, you know, you were a werewolf?” she asked as everyone’s heads turned to her, not believing she had just asked that. Kade was always extremely private about his past, not even Chris knew.

Kade sighed, put his book down and took off his glasses.

“I was the runt of my family,” he begun and Tom’s jaw dropped to the floor. Was he really tell them his past?

“My mother was a powerful alpha and my father was her mate so he was also powerful so all my siblings were born werewolves and I wasn’t. I was born human, as if being the youngest wasn’t hard enough, I had to compete with siblings I knew would beat me in everything I did. My parents took pity on me and asked me if I wanted the bite when I was eleven and I said yes but my siblings still beat me in a lot of thing. I assume you want to know how I became an alpha so here it is. When I was sixteen a dangerous pack attacked mine trying to get at our tether so we fought back and defeated the betas but the alpha was too strong and my mother was injured and I was really angry so I attack the alpha and eventually I won and back then I didn’t know that killing an alpha without a pack makes you an alpha so I became an alpha and a pack cannot have two alphas so my mother kicked me out of her pack and family. Now she only talks to me to see how my pack is doing and that’s once a year and only my big sister talks to me on holidays.”

“I’m so sorry,” Felicia whispered.

“Don’t worry it’s all in the…” Kade begun to say until he was cut off by Felicia flinging herself into his arm, hugging him.

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