CH 1

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Chapter 1

The Beginning

A woman with soft brown hair and even softer brown eyes held a baby in her arms softly humming to her, crying as howls and gunshots sounded just outside the room they were in. The baby was crying too, much louder than her mother but not loud enough to drown out the fight going on that was getting closer and closer. The young mother stopped humming and switched to singing.

"Fa la ninna, fa la nanna,

Nella braccia Della mamma,

Fa la ninna bel bambin,

Fa la nanna bambin bel,

Fa la ninna, fa la nanna,

Nella braccia Della mamma."

Just as she ended her lullaby, the door was ripped off its hinges. Big shapes came in on all fours, dragging something behind them; they stopped about a metre in front of the two people cowering in the corner and one of the monsters dumped the thing they were dragging in their mouth unceremoniously in the gap between the two humans and them.

The woman wailed in agony as she stared at the body lying in front of her. The man's auburn hair dyed red with blood, his green eyes glassed over; the fear he felt in his last moments etched all over his face. His body mangled with what looked like claw marks. The mother cried holding the child tightly to her chest, making sure the baby couldn't see a thing.

"You monsters!" she sobbed, "My husband, my poor husband! Why? He is a father!"

The beast that dragged the man into the room talked but it didn't sound natural, it sounded like an animal speaking English, whose voice box wasn't made for human speech.


"Please! We stopped! You didn't have to kill him!"


"Fine," the mother got up, put her baby in its crib, turned to the monsters and said, "You can kill me but not my child! She has a future! She can have a different life than ours!"


The monsters charged at the woman, their teeth bared. The woman ducked, kicked, threw punches left and right but it was all for nought. The beast bit and clawed and her; every blow getting to her making a new wound. The woman stumbled and clutched to the side of the crib with her blood soaked hands. She looked down at her daughter, straight into the baby's green eyes, she shared with her father.

With her dying the woman spoke to her child.

"Addio, mia dolce figlia,"

The woman collapsed to the ground next to her husband their faces turned to look at each other. The creatures turned on the baby, one of them transformed. Its bones moved and cracked under its skin, fur disappeared but its claws, teeth and horrible, glowing red eyes still remained. The monster's body turn into the figure of a young man. It towered over the little girl's cot; it brought its claw up into the air, lining it up for the kill. The creature was about to bring its claw down when one of the other creatures growled at him. He turned its head towards it and growled back. The creature jerked its head towards the window.

"Shit! The police!" the creature on two legs muttered under its breath. It howled and it and the rest of the monsters left jumping out the window.

The baby cried and cried for at least half an hour until police charged through the doors, guns held up high. The female one there was the first to notice there was child, even before she came into the room. She picked her up and took her outside whispering to her and rocking her in her arms. The police officer, Judy, took care of her until the investigation was over. It was funny how she had cared for the baby like she was a sister to her own sons; it was also funny how she cried when she had to hand over to an orphanage.

"She's a cute one," the orphanage worker, Ms Hayden, said.

"Yeah," replied Judy, "She isn't a fussy eater and she can't sleep without her dragon toy who she named draggie because she couldn't say dragon,"

"How old is she?"

"She's gonna be 3 next month, September 24th,"

"And might I ask what her name is?" Ms Hayden asked; her eyes boring into Judy's.

"Oh. Sorry!" Judy exclaimed "Her name is Felicia,"

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