Book 1 of 3

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I want to inform everything that this book is just a rough draft. Meaning, I had no idea what I was writing until I wrote it. Writing Book 2, I came up with more details that book 1 is missing. So please when you read this, think out of the box as a lot of it is a lie.

My characters lie without you realizing it. My Beta readers for book 2 never guessed any of the plot twists. Which means you probably won't either. ;) IF you do, please let me know. I always love hearing from you awesome people!

I will actually be posting the Final Version of this trilogy on

Both wattpad Version and Final Version are on Patreon and Ream. Both links are in my profile if you wish to read more. Book 3's ending will be posted in Sept 2023 on those sites.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm always here to answer then. :)

A Servant for a Mate - Book #1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now