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9| Awkward First -

I blinked my eyes open to a soft glow of my room. Sitting up quietly, I saw Loki sitting in the corner of my room. "Loki?" I asked, before glancing at my alarm clock.

It was three a.m in the morning and I had woken up. "Did I wake you?" Loki asked, turning his head to look at me.

I shook my head, my hair bouncing as I sat up. "No, you didn't" I replied, before yawning.

He looked back out the window, the moon casting shadows through his body. "What's wrong?" I asked, as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Nothing" he replied, before sighing quietly.

"After being alive for the past century and a half, you'd think you would become a better liar" I said, running a hand through my smooth brown hair.

"Well I didn't have to talk to anyone" he replied, shooting me a small smile.

I watched him carefully, still gawking at his beauty and not understanding why someone would hurt this beautiful soul. "What's it like, being ghost?" I asked, suddenly as the thought popped into my head.

"It's lonely, before you came along, not being able to talk to anyone, and all you have is the last few memories.." he trailed off.

"Being able to touch you is extrodinary, feeling someone else that I haven't been able to do for over a century" he added, blinking slowly.

"Loki" I said quietly.

He looked at me, a vulnerable expression across his face. "We've only known each other for a really short period of time but I feel like I've known you for centuries" I said, casting my eyes down.

"I know the feeling" he replied.

"If I was related to Vanessa, would you hate me?" I asked, my fingers playing with the thread on my sheets.

"No" he said sternly.

I felt a shift in the air and looked up to see him sit on the bed beside me. "You're the only one that can see me, I don't think I could ever hate you".

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, my other hand reaching out to touch his. Nerves filled my stomach for some reason, like tiny butterflies continuously flapping around in circles. My hand met solid flesh and our fingers entwined.

"I'm glad I can see you" I said.

I heard Loki swallow. "Me too" he replied hoarsely.

He sat so still, as if making a small movement would scare me off like a deer. His eyes were on our joined hands and I wanted to wipe the sadness from his eyes. He'd been so alone. "Loki" I whispered.

He looked up, our eyes meeting. The hand that had been playing with my blankets, reached up to caress his cheek. His eyes closed, his breathing heavy.

Did he even need to breathe?

Leaning forward, I couldn't stop the flow that went through me. With the softest touch, I pressed my lips to his. A gentle and soft kiss. A breath later, Loki was pulling away.

"I can't" he breathed out.

He stood up, moved out of my grip and moved back to his spot by the window. I took a deep quiet breath. "I want to but I can't, Reena" he continued.

I opened my eyes unaware that they had closed. "I'm a ghost and that's all I'll ever be" he said.

"Not to me you aren't" I replied.

He looked at me. "I can't give you what you want" he added.

I slid out of my bed and padded barefoot over to the window. I touched Loki's elbow as he jolted at my touch. "I don't want anything Loki, I want us to be friends" I said gently.

"We are friends Reena" he replied, his eyes dropping from my eyes to my necklace.

Unconsciously I had touched it, holding it in my hand. "I don't want to ruin our friendship" he said gently.

Taking his arm, I curled it around me while I hugged him. He squeezed me tightly. "Never" I replied.


My eyes opened slowly and I yawned as I turned over in my bed.

Events from early this morning filtered through my thoughts and I touched my lips gently. Why did he have to be a ghost?

Sighing, I sat up. Immediately, I felt a body beside me and I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see Loki lying dead straight next to me.

He had one hand looped behind his back as if he was holding himself up and the other clasped firmly on his stomach. His position caused his polished black dress shirt and dark blue vest to ride up, exposing some of his hard toned body.

Probably from the many months at war. My eyes drifted up to his face. His face was smoothed over, all of his years worth of pain was gone for now. Leaning closer, I reached my hand to brush away the dark hair that had fallen across his eyes.

"Loki" I said, trying to wake him.

He didn't budge. "You know, you are the sweetest person I've ever met and if I was alive when you were.. well I don't know but I know we would've been close" I murmered.

The back of my fingers brushed against his cheek. "I'm sorry you've had to endure so much time alone" I whispered.

I glanced at his eyes, making sure they hadn't opened. Leaning closer, I tilted my head and pressed my lips to his gently. "You have me now" I whispered as I pulled away.

I slid out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. I didn't see his eyes open slowly, or the tear that fell down his cheek to spread out across the pillow.

If I had, I would've found a way to stay home.


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Their awkward kiss?

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Lots of love from the author!
Tavana xoxoxoxox

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