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22| I wanna be yours

It felt so good to be home. To see my unmade bed, in all it's glory. As soon as the Ghost Council had let me go, I opened my eyes to find myself standing in my bedroom.

Turning around, I opened the door and ran down the stairs. "Dad!" I yelled.

No answer. The kitchen was a mess of paperwork and chinese containers. I must've been gone for a long time.

"Time works differently on the ghostal plain," I heard a voice.

Whirling around, Loki appeared on the bottom of the steps. "Is he okay?" I asked quickly.

Loki nodded. "He's at work," he replied.

I felt so relieved to be back, to be out of those cells. It was weird enough I knew I looked like Vanessa but I had now met her and the resemblance was uncanny. "Are you okay?" I asked, walking towards him.

He took my hands as I reached him. "I am now," he replied, softly.

"How are you?" He asked lifting a hand to stroke my cheek. 

I leaned into his touch. "I missed you," I replied softly.

A soft noise came from his throat. "I missed you too," he replied before pulling me in and squeezing me.

I wrapped my arms around him, happy to have him in my arms again. "Have you ever felt like your entire soul has been ripped away and all you were left with was nothing but empty air?" He asked, as I hugged him back.

"That's what it felt like when I didn't have you by my side," he added before I felt his lips on the top bit of my head.

I closed my eyes. "I don't know how I can be dead without a heartbeat and still feel my heart stop whenever I have you in my arms" he said softly into my hair.

"Loki," I whispered.

Opening my eyes, I pulled back slightly to look at him. There were tears trailing down his cheeks and my heart clenched at the sight of them. Reaching up, I brushed them away.

"I love you," I said, as honest as I could possibly handle.

"I love you too, so freaking much," Loki replied, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

I cradled his face as he closed his eyes.

Ugh, what was this feeling inside me?
It felt like a huge balloon filling up and about to burst. Everytime, he touched me, it felt like a million sparklers on my heart, just wanting to explode.

I felt so at peace with everything, like when we were together it was just him and I. I wanted to keep him forever, love him, hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

I didn't know if this was obsession or if this was true love but all that mattered to me was the fact he loved me back. I saw it in his eyes as he spoke about us at the trial and I saw it now as he whispered to me that he never wanted to let me go.

I was so in love with this ghost.

Something, I never thought I'd ever say but yet here I was and it just made the quote true.

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