Angel 9

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"Wait so you tried to push Aurora in the pool but instead she pushed you in oh and even in front of the whole school" I asked and he nodded making me burst out laughing. After my little crying moment and race which he won, we took a walk down to the pond near my parents house and sat on the deck talking. I haven't been so relaxed in a long time.

"What about you? Anything embarrassing happen to you" He asked smiling as he turned his head to me. I bit my lip trying to think of something.

"When Emmaline was Two she got into mama'a make up and drew all over my face. She put the lipstick as eye shadow and but the blush on my forehead and highlighter on my cheeks. That day I didn't look at myself in the mirror when I got dress up so when I went to school, I realized what she done. I was laughed at and everything. It was so embarrassing oh my god I feel embarrassed right now" I said laughing at the end. He looked at me for a long second before kissing my hand.

"Don't feel embarrassed even though I wish I saw that." He said laughing making me hit his chest. He smiled and I realized that he had a dimple all this time. I gasped and touched his dimple amazed.

I love boys with dimples. So hot.

He stared at me as I just smiled at his dimple. I looked up into his eyes and bit my lip. His eyes immediately went down to my lips as he stared at me biting my lip. He touched my chin and looked back into my eyes. We both began to lean in slowly and I closed my eyes.

I jumped when my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I said pulling away Luka and answering it.

"Freyah where are you the food is ready everyone is waiting on you" Emma said into the phone making me curse loudly. I hanged up and started my way back to the house with Luka on my trail.

"What's going on?" He asked as he followed me. His husky sexy voice made me realized what I was about to do. I was going to kiss him when I'm still with Ryan. I might not love Ryan but I'm still his girlfriend until I break things off which is in three weeks when I get back.

"Everyone is waiting on us the food is ready" I said not looking at him. I walked up the hill and took my hair out of his messy bun. I brushed my clothes off and walked into the house.

"Frey Frey!" Laila screamed and jumped on me making us both fall to the ground. I laughed and hugged her as she wrapped her legs around me as I picked us back up. I spin her around and squealed. I missed my annoying little sister and her big head of a twin.

"Oh my who is this hottie hunk" Laila screamed going to Luka. I blushed at her name for him. I left them alone and walked to find my favorite brother.

"Family!" I semi-yelled as I walked into the dining room. Everyone was seated and chatting. They all greeted me with a Hey and I went around hugging everyone.

"Baby brother" I said hugging Lorenzo my favorite. He laughed and hugged me tight pulling me into his lap. He always did this when he finally started to grow muscle.

"You have to stop doing this" I said laughing. He shrugged and kissed my cheek.

"Everyone meet Luka Freyah's future husband hopefully" Laila said jumping up and down smiling at Luka. I blushed and giggled into baby bro neck. Luka was glaring at Lorenzo making me frown.

"Okay this is our brothers Lorenzo and Legend" Laila said introducing Luka to my brothers. Luka's look soften when Laila said brothers. I was hell of confused but didn't say anything.

"You know my mom and dad and I'm guessing Emmaline too." Laila said shrugging talking to Luka. I smiled and took a sip from Lorenzo's drink. I got off his lap and walked to my seat across from mom and Legend. Sawyer was at the head on the table and mom on the right of him. Me being the oldest daughter I always sat on the left of Sawyer. Luka sat down next to em and Laila sat next to him. Lorenzo sat across from her and Emmaline sat next to Laila.

"Hi family" Aunt Cherry screamed as she walked into the dinning room. Behind her came her husband uncle Keon and Auntie Lilly and Uncle Chris. Many people thought I named Christian after Chris but I didn't. Everyone sat down and everything quieted down:

"Mommy!" Chris laughed and giggled running into the room. I smiled and picked him up sitting him on my lap. People awed and smiled at him. Laila calls him Baby C.

"Okay everyone lets pray" Mom said grabbing Legend and Sawyer hand. I smiled and grabbed Luka and Sawyer's other hand. We all bowed our hand down and closed our eyes.

"Dear Heavenly Father Thank you for having my family here for the next week and a half." Sawyer started before squeezing my hand for me to go next.

"Thank you for letting us live another day and waking us up every morning" I said before squeezing Luka's hand.

"Mommy and cookies" Chris interrupted making me  and everyone laugh. I shushed him breaking my hand with Luka and held Chris hand. Luka flashed me a hurt look but didn't say anything closing his eyes again.

"Thank you for allowing me to meet all of these wonderful people and thank you for all the things you have done for us every day" Luka said before pausing. The prayers from everyone continued to go around the big table until it ended with mama.

"Thank you for everything Lord and let us continue this day together enjoying everyone's company. Please keep us safe and heal our pain and continue bring us happiness" Mama finished before we all said Amen. Mama kissed Sawyer and I looked at Luka. He was already looking at me and smiled. He put his arm around me and hugged me kissing my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes enjoying his touch.

"No no my mama" Chris said pushing Luka away and hugging my face into his chest. My baby boy so cute.

Everyone laughed and we began to serve ourself the food. Everything looked amazing. I looked around the room and sighed. I truly missed everyone.

Awe family time!

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Awe family time!

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