december 27

29 2 0

Suzu remembered his name and would think of his face, he was very handsome, she couldn't deny it, no wonder Fuju had said their was a handsome stranger in the front of the school.

Suzu was leaving the restaurant to head to school when she saw her friend Momo, she ran up to her and tapped her shoulder making sure to get her attention. Momo turned around and greeted her.

They kept talking to each other until they reached the school gates and went separate ways, Suzu had to head to the lockers to put up her gym uniform she cleaned the night before, she was walking when she stumbled on a conversation.

"Mr. Furukawa the author, said he wanted to work at the school that got him to where he is!"

"Really! When does he come to get the job and all?"

"Today after school"

Suzu heard enough and went off to class. The school day went by and it was in the final hour of class she decided to sleep since she didn't get enough last night from washing a load, she slowly went to sleep.

The bell had rung and she hadn't heard a single thing leaving her alone in the classroom, until, Fuju saw her through the door. Fuju did nothing but smiled and put a jacket over her, he left silently leaving a small note saying she better return the jacket.

Suzu only woke up another 20 minutes later to nothing and scrambled all her things to leave, she passed the office when she saw a familiar figure inside, she walked slowly when she saw the side of the mans face.

"Yuki Furukawa!"

Realizing she said the name aloud she ran trying to hide behind the wall, she slid down and looked a little into the window, it really was him she thought.

'That means he'll be a teacher here'

Suzu smiled at the thought and left school silently


Suzu wondered when he'd start working, she wondered also if he was as handsome as when he was her age, she wondered why she even was thinking so much about him?

"Suzu, SUZU!"

"Huh what?"

"The teacher is announcing some things, pay attention for once!"

"Oh, sorry"

Suzu focused on the teacher up front and heard him speaking, only listening to what deemed important to her. Until, he talked about a new teacher.

"Tomorrow we have a new language arts teacher, Mrs. Mitsuhira had to take a leave do to some circumstances, but y'all will be in very good hands of a famous author!"

Suzu slowly sat up paying attention to the details.

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