Chapter two

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I cuddled into rye. He sang softly in my ear. "Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you..." I closed my eyes. A single tear spilled from my eye. Rye stopped singing. "Aw Andy don't cry" he said wiping the tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry" "Dont be sorry, it's my fault. I promise I will never do anything to hurt you." Rye said tilting my chin up and placing a kiss softly on my lips. He continued to sing as I drifted off to sleep.


It was an hour after Andy had fallen asleep and I had just lay watching him. He is such a beautiful person. Brook and Jack entered the room. "Oi Oiiii" Brook shouted laughing. Andy woke up startled. "For god sake brook, did you have to do that?" I snapped. "Rye it's okay" Andy said ruffling his hand through my hair. "Sorry Brook" I muttered. Jack sat down next to Andy who was now sitting in the edge of the bed. He put a hand in andys leg. I felt a tinge of jealousy inside. "Are you okay Andy?" Jack asked cautiously. Andy smiled. "Never better" "thank god" brook said sighing. "It's been all serious since this morning, I was worried." "Don't be" Andy laughed. "Wow we really need to hurry up and get ready, we have to be at the studio by 11!" Jack said jumping up. Jack and Brook left the room. "C'mon fovvs lets go" I smiled. "Give me a minute, you go, I'll get you downstairs" Andy said going into his wardrobe. "Okay" I said. Everything was finally okay.


I raced into my room and got dressed. I took my t shirt off just as Brook came in the room. "Hey, what do you want for- wow" he stopped. "What?" I asked confused. I put on a new shirt and buttoned it up. "Oh um nothing, w-what do you want for b-breakfast?" He stuttered. "Just some toast would be good" I replied. I sprayed some aftershave and grabbed my phone. "Okay" brook said, leaving my room but as he did so he walked into the door frame. He blushed. "Whoops" he giggled nervously. Then he practically ran out of my room. What was wrong with that boy?

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