Chapter nine

163 9 3

Andys POV
everything is my fault. everything. I drive for hours and I keep driving until I reach a bridge. I decided that I wanted to end it all. All I ever brought to people was pain and maybe if I wasn't here nobody would have to live with it. I stop my car and take my phone from my pocket. I open my gallery and see all of the pictures of me and the boys, me and rye. I have 45 missed calls from rye and 22 from Brook. 105 unread texts from rye and 55 from Brook. I don't open them. I don't do anything. I sit and stare at the steering wheel of my car. Am I really going to do this? I take out my diary and rip a page out. Dear Rye... I begin. I spend the next hour writing my letter addressed to Rye. I put it in my pocket and take a deep breath. Am I really going to do this? Before I can think about it anymore I start my engine. I'm ready. I count down from 3 in my head and when I reach one I zoom off of the edge of the bridge. Plunging into darkness.

I hear faint sirens. But I can't see anything. Am I dead? All I can remember is a group of people leaning over me and picking me up, that's when it all went black.

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