Chapter three

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We just pulled up to the studio and I get out the car, closing the door after Andy gets out. He blushes at me. I take his hand and we smile at each other. Mikey turns around. "How long have we got it booked for?" He asked, looking confused when he saw mine and andys hand intertwined. I quickly let go of his and. "Uh I'm not sure, ask Blair" I said. I looked at andys face and he had tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey, what's up?" I asked nudging him. "What's up? Seriously what's up?" Andy said raising his voice. "Geez keep your voice down, what's wrong?" Andy wiped his eyes. "Nothing, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll catch up with you guys." He said as he ran off.
Andy came into the studio, five minutes later. "Fovvsssss" everyone cheered. Andy laughed and put his hood up shyly. I smiled. He was just so cute. We were just talking until, Andy gasped in pain grabbing his arm. Nobody else noticed it but me. "What happened? Are you okay?" I asked concerned. "I'm fine" Andy smiled. A few minutes later he done the exact same thing. "What's up with your arm?" I asked tugging on his sleeve. "Nothing, leave me alone" he said tugging it back down. "Andy?" I said sadly. "What?" Andy said sighing. "Let me see your arm" "what? No!" He said. I pulled up his sleeve and noticed scratches on his arm, some light but some deeper. "Andy, what happened to your arm?" I asked seriously. "Rye please stop." He said pleadingly. I pulled andys sleeve back down and took his and and took him into another room. "I-I just walked into something" he said hiding his face in his hands. "Andy, did you do this to yourself?" I asked holding back tears. Andy nodded. "W-why?" I asked trying to wrap my head around the thought. "Stress" he replied. "Please babe, please don't do this, don't hurt yourself" I said cupping andys face in my hands. "I'll s-stop" he said. "Promise?" "Promise"

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